Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack 게임 스크린 샷
Patty Stack

Patty Stack

개발사 Feeka Games
231 다운로드67 팔로우

The juici­est, chees­iest and ses­ame seed-iest bur­ger build­ing game on the mar­ket; fire up those salivary glands for the most mouth wa­ter­ing and jaw drop­ping one-tap patty stack­ing mo­bile app since re­cords began!

Dive into the world of PATTY STACK­ing and:

- Drop the Per­fect Patty!
- En­gage the CHEESE LOCK!
- Steel your­self against slip­pery pickles and slippy to­ma­toes!
- Wrestle with bouncy lettuce!
- Score points with every drop and chase that high score!
- Build the per­fect (or per­fectly ab­surd) bur­ger!

All at the tap of a finger!

Set to a back­drop of lush, col­our­ful visu­als and the amazing, chill mu­sic of Surf Blue (ht­tps://sound­cloud.­com/surf­blue), build­ing bur­gers has nev­er been more fun - and it’s totally cal­or­ie free, so you can stack forever!

If you think you've got what it takes to make the ul­ti­mate bur­ger then jump right in - but be warned: stack­ing the per­fect patty and build­ing a bur­ger is a lot more challlenging than you'd think!

Play now and get stack­ing!

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