

3 瀏覽 04/09/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/T6802sofyQ8 1.《機動戰姬:聚變》是一款二次元科幻機甲美少女題材作品,於 4 月 8日上午11點開啟測試,測試結束時間:4 月 15 日晚上23:59。 2.遊戲目前的劇情沒有語音搭配,也沒有主流的 Live2D 配置,導致首頁看板娘比較單一。優點在於 2D精美立繪與戰鬥動畫表現,戰鬥中施放技能有日文語音。 3.在關卡中可以移動小隊前進遭遇敵人後進入戰鬥,戰鬥系統採用回合制,可上陣四隻角色,3屬性相互克制,角色有自己的個別技能可以使用。 4.總的來說,bilibili 代理的二次元美少女,機甲科幻題材抽卡養成回合制戰鬥,整體玩法上還是比較孰悉的類型。
2 瀏覽 04/08/2021
2 瀏覽 04/14/2021
698 瀏覽 04/08/2021
its a little bit shame about the playing duration limit as guest so ill drop it now. overall 3~4 / 5 design is good the game using concept "weapon" girl so kinda like kancole thingy but not limited with ship only. so far i found such axe chainsaw tank shuriken girl and some mecha related. umm i think arts and animations like story/skills is not bad & pretty clean, its just during the battle the graphics seems kinda meh. the chibi model really reminded me of senki strike game.
896 瀏覽 04/21/2021
Great games in general, slick UI, both in combat and on the menu, unique gameplay, decent amount of grind, great arts style, gorgeous animation both in skills cut-in and in general combats. the only things lacking is the amount of time take to grind in auto mode is too long, i advise add x4 or x8 speed to auto grind instead of only x2 speed and by default, disable the skill cut-ins animation to shorten the auto modes, and make it so its only exclusive in auto mode. other than that, done perfectly right, keep up the great work guys, cant wait this game to be fully released, i shall wait in great anticipation~
Gabriel Vergara
480 瀏覽 04/21/2021
want to play this but to log in is troublesome ....i wish u only need googleplay/twitter/ffacebook to log in hayyyzzz...
562 瀏覽 04/09/2021
For the first 5 mins play i find this game has quite good gameplay.. theres no difference than other turn based games that I've ever played.. but i must praise the graphics are good.. 👍👍👍
874 瀏覽 04/09/2021
Gameplay pretty good and i really love the character design. they give some material for summon when you start but you need 1800 gem for 1xmulti and you got 60/New level clear it's 3 chapter in game it's pretty poor for me.
385 瀏覽 04/13/2021
impressive graphic XD just guest login i can't register because it not have thai phone number
479 瀏覽 04/12/2021
this is the best turn based so far, no need hard grind for the equipment and i would happy if this game release on the global version, if not i will still play this game.