(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

150 회 조회 04/10/2021
Hello! This is a feed-back review after a couple of hours played. +The controls feel nice and responsive +the art style and the UI menu is amazing +the gunplay feels smooth -sometimes you get killed after you get out of the enemy's weapon range-looks like it's laggy -the assault rifle is too op compared to the other weapons-huge dmg with laser point accuracy- tuning down the dmg a bit would solve it
108 회 조회 04/19/2021
Basiclly, this is just little Z team in youtube
Abantao Santelices
122 회 조회 06/05/2021
done with the tutorial but after it i cant play. Play button is greyed out and cant tap. it says to update the app however its already on its latest version 1.14. so whats wrong?
Kaito Watanabe
106 회 조회 07/14/2021
i waste my data for this trash game. 10 mins in the loading screen and it's just logging in for 10 mins.
Dr. Paradox
200 회 조회 04/08/2021
From the looks of it...I like the art style and I got curious from the cool icon. I'll try playing a bit more before I can give a proper review.
230 회 조회 04/09/2021
this game gives me space marshalls vibes... but better! and it's super fun to play multiplayer with friends! highly recommend 👍
107 회 조회 06/07/2021
Can't play. Can't tap play button says it needs to update. Just downloaded few secs ago.
190 회 조회 07/04/2021
I can't play the game after update pls fix this
66 회 조회 08/15/2021
its a piece of shit hacking malware.. DO NOT INSTALL
2 회 조회 04/09/2021
for the running control can be slightly improved
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