(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

42 회 조회 06/01/2021
한국인에게 이 리뷰를 바칩니다. 깔고 딱 한판 했습니다, 포트나이트 느낌 빡 옵니다. 결론부터 말하자면 개선이 많이 필요한 게임입니다. 필드에 몬스터를 잡아 아이템을 얻는 건 좋은 아이디어입니다. 하지만 캐릭터와 비슷하여 구별이 안갈때가 대부분입니다. 최적화도 부족해 랙도 좀 있습니다.(그래픽 중간,프레임 높음으로 하면 원활함) 몬스터를 없애던가 아님 캐릭터 모델링을 수정하거나.. 조작도 많이 불편합니다. 커스터마이징이 있지만 그래도 불편합니다. 타격감도 부족합니다. 때리고 있는게 맞는지 모를 정도로 타격감이 없습니다. 애초에 이 게임을 찾을 한국인이 있을지 모르겠지만 정식출시 하면 하세요. CBT는 실망스럽습니다. FF ver battle ground..? It is interesting.. Funny but control and graphic,frame is to bad
0 회 조회 04/26/2024
didn’t include the sephirotth backstory (thanks ever crisis) but boy was the battle royale pretty neat
15 회 조회 03/04/2024
Why this game is cannot be download again 😔 all games is gone
Bill Nature
57 회 조회 02/05/2024
Shame it had to shut down it was showing a great promise . Well its a decent br game it has many unique things that other br games dont have . Like we can use abilities from ff like poison, fire,blind,blizzard,thunder,cura and etc The environment is a decent creation of vii world same goes for default skins of characters and weapons . We have mana to use the abilities, accessories that help at battle, some creatures from ff .
29 회 조회 02/13/2024
BEst game on mobile 😔 miss it
0 회 조회 02/28/2024
1.1K 회 조회 11/18/2021
Poor In-Game controls, Lack of proper optimization and Horrible connection problems. This is a Negative comment, continue at your own will. ✖️✖️✖️ First to discuss the problem in controls, I will address 4 things which are the: 1.) Lack of adaptation to the new normal of these types of shooter games 2.) The control customization and the terrible sensitivity issues. 3.) Terrible Sensitivity 4.) Parkour (?)
Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier - My First Battle Royale Solo Win Gameplay 😎😎
1.5K 회 조회 08/29/2022
Moe Myint Thar
380 회 조회 06/01/2021
This game is quite interesting . Landing and play style is quite unique. As a CBT lagging issue is not that big deal(hope they will add more server soon). The PVE is quite fun too. The only issue is the gun controlling is not good. I can't scope on and off frequently as much as I want . The worse part of the game is during autofire if I scope on and off it force me to stop shooting . I hope it will fix very soon before the official release. Thank u for reading.
514 회 조회 11/18/2021
Hi, I'm so hyped for the game. But too bad, I didn't expect for the game to be that BAD. I know what I'm talking about, I played a lot of mobile battle royale games. First, the floating joystick IS A BIG NO. At least, you need to PROVIDE OPTIONS for player to use floating joystick (like it is now) OR a LOCKED JOYSTICK. The floating joystick is so annoying, especially in a battle royale games, so it's a BIG NO. Next, you need to let the player use gyroscope for aiming. The gyroscope is essential in a battle royale games. You need to provide options for player to choose between always on gyroscope (including in third-person view), gyroscope only on when aiming, or turning off the gyroscope. You need to AT LEAST PROVIDE OPTIONS for players. Last, the maximum size for a button in button editor is waaaay to small. I would like to get a bigger aim button. The settings options for the game is way too terrible. It's like I was hyped for nothing. I'm uninstalling the game if there's no update about this in 2 weeks. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate your game. I like Final Fantasy so much (I even remember watching my first Final Fantasy Advent Children more than 10 years ago), so I wanted the game to be the best RPG/Battle Royale games ever. Please read this out, and good luck, devs!
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?