滿分為 10


8 瀏覽 10/16/2021
這遊戲挺垃圾的,怎麼都2021年了還有這種傻逼遊戲的,日常獲取石頭的途徑少就算了,量也少,搞得一個抽卡遊戲抽不了卡,這還是開服不到一個月就這麼地想擺爛了嗎?抽卡無保底抽卡概率極其感人,5%這概率是跟誰學的? 這遊戲畫面垃圾,是個回合制的都能碾壓這遊戲,養成的資源分配和資源獲取的數量成反比,前期金幣根本不够用(後期尚未知,剛玩一天)。這遊戲除了音樂一無是處,這是把錢用到動畫去了吧(動畫也做得垃圾的沒眼看)! 尚未發現這款遊戲有無多人副本或者聯機的東西,就一個純單機遊戲,這種遊戲還是趁早埋了吧!
3 瀏覽 10/15/2021
2 瀏覽 01/17/2022
0 瀏覽 12/17/2022
1.4K 瀏覽 10/14/2021
First of all, it's only in Japanese, but you don't need a VPN. Before it came out, I was really looking forward to the combination of sci-fi background and Japanese RPG. But after I played for half an hour, I felt kinda disappointed. Here's what I like about it. As a Square Enix game, its style is very attractive to me, specifically the future sci-fi background, in addition to the game's battle music, which makes me feel like I'm playing a classic Japanese RPG. Whenever you can move around in the basement full of tech before starting the mission, it reminds me of playing PS2, PSP games. (Like the Gundam series, Busou Shinki, God Eater series)
844 瀏覽 10/13/2021
I get 2 SSR from the Free gacha! It's an excellent turn-based RPG. The theme song and BGM is so good. A secret virus spread from the underground world. Human beings must explore the unknow aera, against enemies and save the world. Only Japanese for now. What a pity! Please add English in the future : )
1K 瀏覽 11/14/2021
This game was a bit slow heating up type, yet if you try to be patience, this can be quite reach some high level. Due to too much dialogue text, this might kill the mood of the player and causing them losing interest in the gameplay. Yet, the storyline still need more fresh up a bit. This one is my own opinion, this game was too much female character. Seems hard to seeing a high level male character. Haha, maybe the designer prefer female character.
1K 瀏覽 10/17/2021
You know... when Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey + Persona 5 had a baby... This might be it. I mean, the game environment look like SMTSJ on the NDS/3DS and some chat bubble and font look like Persona 5 but the gameplay is quiet similar like Megaman Battle Network. It's also have overworld map like classic JRPG and some of them can be explore and had NPC for taking and report quest too. UI/UX is also simple and match with the game post apocalyptic environment.
Games 2
25 瀏覽 01/29/2024
Haiqal Jasmani
4.7K 瀏覽 12/16/2023