滿分為 10


7 瀏覽 08/12/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/5xERJVhdhzA 1.《鍊金戰士》是一款地城 RPG 無限戰鬥遊戲,一日父親被抓走,我們將扮演小男孩勇闖地城進行戰鬥冒險。 2.遊戲玩法不能算是放置類型,雖戰鬥畫面跟多數放置手遊有些類似,我們需要手動點擊下方技能來策略戰鬥,每打敗一波敵人後可以獲得少量的 HP、MP,透過使用回血技能增加續航力。 3.裝備分為武器、頭盔、盔甲、手套、腿甲、飾品,這些裝備可以裝備不同的技能,技能可以藉由同等級裝備合成隨機產生,也能使用金幣來購買更加優秀的技能。 4.總的來說,畫面簡潔乾淨,玩法雖然簡單但是有一定難度,需要配置技能分配 MP 使用量,在地城探索失敗後就得重來,多玩幾次後可能會比較膩。少了輕鬆放置收益的主流玩法以及隨機性的 BUFF 加成玩法,付費課金方面似乎比較貴一點點。
ke mi
3 瀏覽 07/30/2021
Хто я
272 瀏覽 07/30/2021
English/Russian Clone "Nonstop Knight" Gameplay: The character moves along the intended path by himself, we only need to activate the skills and ... that's all ... At the moment there are 3 stages, each with 3 difficulties. Also, each difficulty is subdivided into 10 levels with a boss at the end, and that's the problem, if you go out in the middle of the battle on your own, you have to start over, if you get killed - too, after several visits you will die of boredom. An increase in the hero's power comes from increasing the level of his equipment and skills, while we knock out the equipment itself from monsters at stages, a classic RPG :).
I really love this game, it’s RPG style but it is not complicated. For the first time I just thought about this game as an Idle RPG style, But this is not the idle RPG it is just Auto RPG. The character is an auto move but you have to choose the skill by your own style. I like the way that we got a skill, all skills come with the equipment that you choose to wear. You can customize your skill all the time. If you don’t like skills that include your equipment you can change that skill by your skill fragments.
182 瀏覽 01/13/2022
bradly steward
464 瀏覽 02/23/2022
game doesn't work just says check internet connection
80 瀏覽 08/03/2021
"app not installed" how to fix this?
Lê Vũ Nicky Bi
176 瀏覽 07/30/2021
how to install?
Mark A.C
130 瀏覽 07/30/2021
275 瀏覽 07/30/2021
impossible to install... oO"
nguyễn kelvin
179 瀏覽 07/31/2021
cannot install the game