Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版遊戲截圖
Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版

Heroes Evolved-英魂之刃口袋版 國際服

廠商 NetDragon Websoft (Hong Kong) Limited
26,014 下載28,822 追蹤

歡迎來到Heroes Evolved英魂之刃口袋版。Heroes Evolved是一款平衡性強,富有競技性,動作性以及策略性的掌上多人線上競技遊戲,致力於為玩家提供公平公正的遊戲體驗,是競技遊戲熱衷者的不二之選。遊戲裡,你化身為120+位獨一無二的英雄中的一位,成為近衛軍團或者天災軍團中的一員,在華麗夢幻的地圖上對抗敵人。要想取得成功,不僅需要熟練巧妙地運用技能,還需要運籌決策,與隊友通力合作,外加一點小智慧!

拿起手機就能投入暢快淋漓的戰鬥之中,驚豔的遊戲畫面,流暢的動畫,定會讓你流連忘返。Heroes Evolved是一款獨具深度及複雜性的遊戲,玩家可以結合策略和自身優勢,充分利用戰爭迷霧、地形、英雄屬性以及個性出裝。成為擁有治癒力的強力坦克,亦或是殺傷力爆棚喜歡從陰暗出突襲的盜賊?用強力魔法和技能遠端轟擊敵方,還是成為功夫傳奇李小龍?這些都是你說了算!Heroes Evolved裡所有的玩法都是獨具一格的。投入激烈的戰鬥或是在英魂亂鬥裡玩耍,那些讓你大跌眼鏡的規則一定會帶給你新奇有趣的感覺。眾多的玩法裡,總有一種是你無法抗拒的!還在等什麼?現在即刻下載Heroes Evolved英魂之刃!

★★★ 主要玩法 ★★★

√ 把一款經典成熟的電腦多人線上競技遊戲搬上手機螢幕,隨時隨地盡情體驗酣暢淋漓的作戰快感!

√ 120+位英雄可供選擇,其中包括功夫之王李小龍!

√ 快速匹配——專為快速戰鬥而設計。

√ 多種玩法 ——一本正經還是搞怪逗比,全取決於你

√ 戰隊系統 ——創建一支戰隊,邀請你的小夥伴和你一起作戰,讓你們的名字響徹Heroes Evolved英魂之刃!

√ 廣泛的裝備列表 ——真正的英雄定制,展示你的與眾不同!

√ 革新操作——精准釋放你的技能和能力。

√ 支援多語言版本,英語,法語,德語,意大利語,西班牙語,葡語,俄語,印尼語,泰語,越南語,土耳其語,日語,阿拉伯語等,更多語種即將上線,敬請期待!

√ 彙集世界各地玩家加入即時對戰娛樂中!

- 官網:https://heroes.99.com/en/
- Facebook粉絲頁: http://fb.com/HeroesEvolvedMobile
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@HeroesEvolved
- Discord: discord.gg/heroesevolved
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeroesEvolved
- Instagram: instagram.com/heroesevolved_official
- 客服:[email protected]

滿分為 10



Heroes Evolved
Heroes Evolved
Heroes Evolved Official
Hurley’s skill demonstration video
54 瀏覽 04/28/2024
15 瀏覽 03/17/2024
Unable to start game, shows connection failed. 👎 Cons: unable to load the user login settings & keep on showing the error of connection failed
Gringo Boring
48 瀏覽 03/18/2024
It May seems strange to that simeone rated this game 5 stars, but there are many reasons for this. The game has flaws, as well as other MOBA games, but it doesn't change anithing for me. The game is time-tested and everything works in it as it should work in a good MOBA. But I understand that it is outdated, and I hope that the developers from NetDragon will relese a New MOBA that already meets modern industry requirements.
Ning Xiyi
AsAs soon as i start the app. Net connection error. Wonderful
62 瀏覽 02/14/2024
Welove Games
Heroes Evolved - enjoy challenges and tactical depth
163 瀏覽 04/24/2024
60 瀏覽 02/27/2024
Offline/online:Online Game size:3.11GB 👍 Pros: It's easy to play and learn, and you can even get limited skin easily. 👎 Cons: Most of my ranked play my enemy is bot, and in point please put 1m not 1000k got my  hope up for the hero and legendary skin. Season 29 right now! I hope when i continue ranking up my enemy is mostly player.
Devil Skull
16 瀏覽 03/17/2024
This moba game is still best moba for mobile.If u r dota1 fan,try this game.Items are based on dota1.I love it so much.If the map is expend ,it will be greatest.
Wornao unicorn zing
My network is good but this happened? Can't play 🥺
34 瀏覽 02/17/2024
Top 5 differences between heroes evolved and heroes arise
4.2K 瀏覽 10/21/2022
I will rate Heroes Evolved 3 stars out of Five. And Here's why: I approach any 5v5 mobile moba game unbiased, despite the fact almost all of them are *inspired* by Riot Game's League of Legends. I don't expect any premium experience in a mobile game, and I understand the business model itself. People have claimed that Heroes Evolved is a blend of Dota and League of legends, which tries to mix and match game mechanics and I saw what they have meant. But that statement is not entirely accurate.
133 瀏覽 03/22/2024