out of 10


498 Views 11/24/2021
Fighter Pilot: Heavy Fire is a flight simulator, but with fighter planes. Players get to pilot fighter aircraft and fly on various missions. The first thing I've noticed is how great the game looks. I mean, I downloaded the game just because I thought it looks great for a mobile game. The controls are also simple enough to understand, and easy to execute. As for the gameplay, I had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately, I also as I progressed, I found it to be a little monotonous, as some missions tend to be more or less the same. It can be repetitive, I'd give you that. There are also a few ads, which I found annoying. However, even if you ignore the ads, which sometimes can be longer than expected, the game can be fun, albeit a bit repetitive.
1.6K Views 04/02/2023
Really good graphics and working well even at max graphics but the gameplay isn't that much interesting and the phisics are terrible
576 Views 10/09/2021
the best game. game graphic best . weapons is best
pedaishee otaku
196 Views 10/06/2021
guszen boy
175 Views 09/07/2022
Неплохая авиа-аркада. Если хотите просто полетать и по взрывать, то вам обязательно стоит в эту игру сыграть. Управление можно настроить как "гироскопом" (акселерометром), так и "кнопками", да и в целом управление в игре удобное, и отзывчивое. Сама игра коротенькая, и проходится всего за пару дней, что плюс, потому что не успеет надоесть. В игре всего пять кампаний, и до десяти миссий в каждой из них. Разнообразием миссии конечно особо не блещут (лети туда, взорви то, разбомби это), но хотя-бы карты в кампаниях разные, а это уже хорошо.
393 Views 03/18/2022
world gaming
622 Views 10/06/2021
gameplay video link plz waching And enjoy 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇🥰🥰 https://www.taptap.io/topic/2148031659
That's everything for now. Start a new game?