滿分為 10


2 瀏覽 10/12/2021
中规中矩的FPS游戏,采用了同款的商业化制作😑 无论是宣传所展现的那样,还是UI看起来非常的不错,但体验来看,只是一个在一众游戏中,表现一般的游戏,任何的特点都可以在类似的UI以及游戏中找到原型。 游戏内设置很少,只有蹲这一个按钮,射击也是全程自动的,在地图策略上,也比较乏力。
3 瀏覽 10/16/2021
Macie May
Epic Gaming Experiences to Explore
45 瀏覽 5d
Bud Carry
Dive into our exclusive list and find your next game obsession.
71 瀏覽 4d
790 瀏覽 10/11/2021
The graphics are excellent. Even better than many big-shots. I think the graphics are better than Pubg and Fortnite. The details of the scene are rich. But, there are no advantages other than these. Personally, I hate auto-attack. And I hate the auto-attack and aim assist of this game more. Because the game developer is so sweet. You don't have to move the cursor a lot. The gun will automatically shoot the enemy for you. Why not make an AI for me, developer. I used to shoot robs in CS, but now I become the robot. What a great improvement.
Modern gun game New update Gameplay
9.8K 瀏覽 06/15/2022
Freak Rohit Gamer
modern gun shooting war games full gameplay Android on iOS
4.5K 瀏覽 02/27/2023
1.4K 瀏覽 10/09/2021
This is a First person shooter game online. Many modern weapons can be used in the game. I hope the Devs wil add more mode in this game. But if you want to unlock the outfit for one weapon, you will need to collect 8 gun cards for it. That means you could only top-up or login and finish daily missions for a long time. + Good graphics + Ranking system - Gun cards
758 瀏覽 02/21/2022
This game appears to be very unfinished. The hud is fully customizable which is a plus, but when you enter a match your buttons are not where you put them even if you save settings, not to mention, it took me forever to customize my buttons cause it was very glitchy.
658 瀏覽 10/15/2021
Seriously? the game is 25% polished, but the shop for buying items is working properly. FIRST, CORRECT ALL THE ERRORS AND FINE DETAILS AND THEN COUNT FOR THE PROFITS. A big minus for auto shooting, a big plus for graphics.