滿分為 10


9 瀏覽 10/12/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/WmhYQm_As5o 1.《輕輕鬆鬆做黃帝》是一款農場點擊建造遊戲,我們將扮演部落的國王,打造我們的森林部落、招募石器村民探索神秘的世界。 2.畫質蠻普通的也可以說是有些模糊,角色還算可愛,至於背景音樂為重複性的單調 BGM以及有點煩人的音效。 3.玩法上就是點擊招募村民,派遣村民獲得食物、木材,消耗資源建造各種建築物、例如農田、房屋、各種裝飾...等等。村民自己的職業,工作會消耗精神力,沒有精神力之後則需要到房屋休息。 4.總的來說,遊戲玩到一定程度之後會卡關,原因是村民沒有精神力,可以看廣告獲得食物、木材資源,也能恢復村民的精神力。整體玩法雖然輕鬆、放置、休閒,但也相對單一。
7 瀏覽 01/11/2023
玩法簡單 畫風可愛有趣 有點肝 廣告太多了 煩 後面重頭開荒新圖 沒有新玩法還是一模一樣的收集資源 就感覺很無聊了
8 New and Thrilling Games in Management
20 瀏覽 6d
763 瀏覽 10/14/2021
Me is King is an idle clicker game where you are the ruler of a pre-historic land and lead your people to expand your territory by giving them different roles like Harvester, Chopper, and Hunter. The characters are super cute and it is satisfying to see how your land getting more lively day by day.
886 瀏覽 10/14/2021
Very casual simulation game, the game features you playing as a lord of the territory. You job is to develop your territory, and your people will have different skills. You need to arrange them according to their skills to get food, chopping woods, building, farming or exploration. The overall game pace is slow but the art style is pretty cute which makes it very relaxing.
uNkNoWn ツoTaKu
774 瀏覽 10/26/2021
Best game of 2021.Amazing controls and a lot of game modes.DEFINETLY BETTER THAN PUBG.
Minh Đức Lê
686 瀏覽 02/07/2022
I lost my progress after play 2 days... The game should bind with a account atleast to keep the progress, data (simplest with google account), but it didn't.
512 瀏覽 10/28/2021
(my personal opinion) The game is interesting
Béla Juhász
514 瀏覽 06/22/2022
Not bad for passing some time, on the long run it's a bit repetative.
world gaming
1.4K 瀏覽 10/25/2021
me is king gameplay video link plz waching and enjoy 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://www.taptap.io/topic/2148031754