
機動戰姬:聚變 日服

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在遊戲中,玩家可以遇到各種風格迥異的機甲少女--「Artery Gear」(簡稱AG),每位機甲少女都擁有自己獨特的技能與設定,玩家需要將她們打造成一支戰鬥小隊,與殘暴的傀儡進行作戰。遊戲本身運用了3D與Spine結合工藝,可以模擬多種複雜的動作模組,充分解放角色限制,創作多種結構和體型的角色。同時遊戲本身採用了新光照工藝,將角色自發光及粒子渲染效果發揮的淋漓盡致,更突出了遊戲整體的科技感,也讓每一位玩家在戰鬥中都能充分享受酷炫的視覺盛宴。

《機動戰姬:聚變》沿用了部分前作《機動戰姬》的設定,玩家將再次與「Artery Gear」並肩作戰,抵禦傀儡的進攻。同時前作的主要角色:妮歐、梅爾、蕾拉、零四等「Artery Gear」,將全部加入這代遊戲作品中。

滿分為 10



TapTap Creator
Artery Gear - Gaming Loop Super Tips/Make Progression Easy/Rank 35 1st 6 Star/40 Summons
1.5K 瀏覽 06/16/2022
607 瀏覽 04/25/2022
Its pretty good, i honestly don't know what to say.... but i uninstalled it because of my depressed mind back then, u know, when i didn't got the white catto i got depressed. typical gacha player. so im hoping to do better next time in global, can't wait for it! i just hope im still alive by then...
752 瀏覽 11/30/2021
The game is really great. Generous gacha system, easy and fast leveling, interesting plot (probably, because I do not know Japanese) and, most importantly, excellent graphics and emphasis on the "plot" of the female characters 😉. The only problem for me in this game is the grind wall at profile lvl 30 and higher. Starting from the straight of the detachment of 12-13k, you begin to progress like a turtle, and I am generally silent about increasing character limit from 5 to 6 stars. But I can put up with this system since I played less than a week and already pumped 3 5 star and 1 6 star characters to max lvl (59lvl). 4.9 out of 5. Still, the grind wall cannot pass without a trace ;(
945 瀏覽 11/19/2021

It took me over an hour to download the game ......... Only provide Japanese, so it is the time to test the Japanese I've learned from reading Japanese manga and Gal games. Well, well, I completely can't understand the game plot. Here's a review from a non-understanding Japanese editor. Spend 5G to download a Chibi turn-based game? Is there something wrong with my brain? Oh look, the waifu wear so little. 😏 This shaking body effect is too good 😍.
1.3K 瀏覽 11/18/2021
* Language: Japanese (include voice) * Network: Necessary * Login method: Google, Bilibili, Guest * Login restriction: No *** Note: You need to download 5GB data in the game. -------------------- A turn-based strategy ACGN game. There are many beautifully illustrated bishojo character and Live 2d animation effect in the game. But actually in battle, the characters will become cute little ones. You can choose 60 FPS and activate HDR in the setting. The battle will become more smooth. At the beginning of the game gifts the character, the ultimate skill has a very cool animation.
Jayce Rustia
Uhmm the rate is god damn up there i got Sirius and Shura on the same banner (Shura's banner) and i still got my infinite selective so who on those circled might be good cause im literally set and im considering getting the violet girl or the healer one. 9th reroll this is my 3rd considered account.
1.6K 瀏覽 11/20/2021
borkono gaming
borkono gaming
TapTap Creator
JP Artery Gear Fusion - First impressions, Tierlists, Rerolls, & amazing waifus
9.6K 瀏覽 02/02/2022
1.4K 瀏覽 03/07/2022
First of all, I do not understand Japanese, but yet, this is still a very enjoyable game. Aside from not being able to understand the story, everything else is superb. The artstyle, the music, the game mechanics, I'm literally in love with all of them. As long as you follow the tutorials, you would know how the interface of the game works. If you are stuck in certain missions/quests because of language barrier, just check out a guy called Timeaus on youtube, he has done quite a lot of translation and guides of the jp server. Give it a go, trust me you won't regret it.
732 瀏覽 12/13/2021
Artery Gear: Fusion is a turn-based game in which the player has complete control over the battle's result. To emerge triumphantly and advance with the story, you will need to employ a diverse cast of characters and techniques. Every character has different talents and traits, much like in any other turn-based character gathering game, which you'll need to mix and match for maximum power output. The graphics in the game are amazing, especially because the focus is on the character designs. The majority of the characters from Artery Gear's previous installments are back. Neo, Mel, Leila, and O-4 will all be recognized right away. Apart from them, it has a broad roster of new and popular characters to choose from.
TapTap Creator
Artery Gear - Rank 30/How To Progress/Useful 4 Stars/60 Summons Hype!!!! 😁
3.5K 瀏覽 06/15/2022