Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2のキャプチャ
Bloons TD Battles 2

Bloons TD Battles 2

会社 ninja kiwi
10,281 ダウンロード16,095 フォロワー



* 受動的なディフェンスか、それとも全力投球のアタックか?君の好きなプレイスタイルで遊ぼう!
* ダイナミックな要素を含む、新たなマップのラインアップ。
* 現実世界の対戦相手とリアルタイムでガチンコバトル。

* 壮大なヒーローまたはそれぞれにユニークな能力が備わったAltsから一方を選ぼう。
* 3種類のアップグレードパスやすごい能力を備えた22種類のモンキータワーから編成しよう。
* 新たなブルーン派遣システムで、経済を最適化しよう。

* 白熱のバトルを楽しめるアリーナで遊ぼう。伝説の名人殿堂に到達できるかな?
* カジュアルまたは個人試合で新しい戦略を試して、自分のプレイを完璧にしよう。
* 特別イベントルールを楽しみながら限定報酬を獲得しよう。

* 日替わりクエストをクリアして、各シーズンの素敵な新しいスキンを無料で獲得しよう。
* ユニークなアニメーション、エモート、ブルーンのスキンなどで、装備をカスタマイズしよう。
* 何百もの功績バッジで、君の実績を自慢しよう。

それだけじゃありません!Bloons TD Battles 2をグレードアップするため、継続的に新しいコンテンツを追加中。さっそくバトルに繰り出そう!




heheheha Joe Nathan Ramirez
56 閲覧 12/29/2023
This game is ight. Not the best but still better than the Bloon td battles.
132 閲覧 12/23/2023
Best Bloons game by far. If you can't find a good fit for your personality then I don't know how else to get a positive response from you. There is literally hundreds of unique combinations and many different ways to play the same tower!! It's one of the most competitive games I've ever played excluding the original Bloons TD Battles.
Bloons TD Battles 2+ Gameplay Walkthrough (Apple Arcade - iOS)
702 閲覧 03/07/2024
Elonzo Hairston
Wow I got a free win
189 閲覧 12/17/2023
《 りくぃ 》
My list of the best games.
382 閲覧 12/03/2023
Alright, let's just get to the point. 1. HCR2 (Chinese + Worldwide) I really like these, not only you have to navigate your way to victory, you also have to do it faster than your opponents! 2. Bloons TD Battles 2 It's a fun competitive game where you can fight against other people from all over the world! 3. BTD5 (Mobile) It's basically Bloons TD Battles 2 but older (yes, it still gets updates), but it has great gameplay!
1.2K 閲覧 07/14/2023
TThe game is fine butthe part is so many players keep spamming balloons i cannot have a chance to defend its its annoying i want a update that yu can only do it once
Prithvi Raj
785 閲覧 12/08/2022
Everything about this game is awesome the only drawback is the method of opening chests it requires a lot of keys to open one and it would be great if there is an encyclopaedia type kind of thing that elaborates about every bloon in addition the discarded battle chests need to be converted into some battle points atl least it requires 200 battle points to open 1 mighty chest but the best we can get is 5 per match in most cases it is just 3
Sultagoon Rabo
1.3K 閲覧 12/30/2022
Amazing got to
'Bloons TD Battles 2' impression
240 閲覧 12/21/2022
bc it looks fun
Anggre Yanto
956 閲覧 02/10/2023
Pls add new bloon it's so fun pls!!! XP