滿分為 10


【双tap互通评论】 算是给萌新了一点建议,这个游戏的玩法技巧攻略。 现在好像只有两个模式。 一个是单人排位拿杯;一个是合作拿钥匙开箱。 。。。 操作攻略: 一直加骰子,加到右边显示是50的时候,停住! 攒着,加一次左边的SP。 然后铺满整个棋盘。。再攒着加一次左边的SP。 顺风的话就不用再增加新骰子了,可以再加一次左边的SP。 逆风的话还是得先合成骰子。。 骰子的等级先不用急着加,先合成二级骰子了,才明白棋盘上哪个骰子多,这样才开始加骰子等级。 但是还是得先加一次SP之后。再开始加骰子等级。 ‼️‼️这个方法的关键点就是快速提高SP等级。可能开局有点小亏,但后面你会有更多的SP能量‼️‼️ (如图所示,开头会扣点小血量,但后面会完全碾压。。所以请不用担心~ 放心地按我的套路来操作即可) ‼️人类智商有高低,不是所有人都会玩的‼️ 即便你骰子等级可能比对面、低属性也不好,但是如果对方不会玩的话,你这样子玩也是可以很容易赢的。
2 瀏覽 04/21/2022
3 瀏覽 02/17/2022
0 瀏覽 02/04/2023
71 瀏覽 01/08/2024
👍 Pros: Unique RPG mixed with merging Many Mininis (or Dians as what they're called now) with unique and fun skills As a simple way to upgrade dice Unique hero-like characters with unique skills as well 👎 Cons: Odds from getting dice from chests are low Bosses are to strong and have too many broken dice No option to report in 2v2 battles Meta depends on certain or specific dice No story
888 瀏覽 12/22/2021
Wow, this is Random Dice's new work! The main gameplay is to spend SP to summon dice, which will have different abilities in addition to different points. For example, heavy shield soldiers, archers, wizards and so on. During the game you can merge these dice with the same ability and points by dragging the dice, you will get stronger dice. When you defeat the enemy dice and destroy the enemy's base, you win.
394 瀏覽 12/27/2021
Random Dice is a clever game design. This game is easy to play like every casual game that you ever played. But in this game you just throw your dice and wait to see how many numbers you get from your turn. Your army size will be created by the number that you get. The army will then go to attack the enemy castle. If they find an enemy in the field, they will fight with the enemy first. If they survive, they will then go to destroy the enemy castle.
668 瀏覽 12/22/2021
If you liked the previous Random Dice, now you might also like this dice smash with more intense confrontations and a more intuitive match process. The game takes the random gameplay of its predecessor and combines it with the popular "Battle Royal" to add a lot of strategy. For example, players have to prioritize the type of dice to synthesize based on the opposite lineup. Also need to consider the allocation of SP, dice layout. However, because the game is played in real time, the visualization of the battle also increases the tension of the battlefield, making the dice synthesis itself sometimes rather handy. The follow-up depth is very high, including how to follow up with the deck, pre-upgrade which dice, etc., carefully mulled over will be very interesting.
799 瀏覽 12/29/2021
This is a fantastic game. I really like how it's still random dice but from a fresh perspective. The battle was fun to see, although it felt a little too unexpected at times. Knowing their death count, I believe, would be a good method to find some good mates. Overall, this is a fun game with a lot of promise. Most of the time, it feels like I'm playing with or against bots. It might be a little simpler to grind for dice and recourse if this is implemented. It would be fun to have co-op boss battles during events.
998 瀏覽 12/22/2021
This game is great! The gameplay is fairly simple, where you need to spend your SP to summon a dice that will use a different ability. You can also merge dice with the same ability to produce stronger dice. If you manage to defeat the enemy dice and destroy its base, you will win the game. The gameplay somehow has a slow-pace but the battles are intense. Adding a speed-up might solve the pace. So far, there are 30 types of dice to collect, and duplicates will allow you to upgrade the duplicated dice.
1.1K 瀏覽 12/22/2021
111% Games is my favorite hyper-casual style developer. Also, Random Dice is a game that I enjoyed playing very much, and it is great to make a strategic game using this IP. I haven't played the game yet (I'll write a game review soon), but if the game balance is perfect, it's a game that will be popular enough.