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TapTap Creator
An amalgamation of nostalgia and modernized gameplay | Review - Dwerve
1.9K 瀏覽 05/27/2023
1.5K 瀏覽 06/20/2023
I love the way it  uniquely mixed two genres. Those genres being Tower Defense and RPG. In addition, being able to interact with your environment as you build towers is fun.
1.2K 瀏覽 06/20/2023
Originally I thought the idea of a RPG with a Tower Defense twist sounded a bit too far fetched but the Game pulled it off nicely! It had very realistic characters, a fun storyline, great moveset and mechanics, good music to listen and chill to, and overall fun experience. I'm very happy I played this and I look forward to playing the full game when it comes out.
3K 瀏覽 06/20/2023
5.1K 瀏覽 06/19/2023
Dwerve is love🤩❤️ Dwerve is a TD dungeon crawler RPG where you play as the titular character who is a dwarf and battle the witch-queen Vandra and her bloodthristy troll army. Dwerve's grandpa teaches him that because dwarves are frail creatures, they need to stay behind a turret and fight. There are over a dozen turrets and traps in the game each with their own upgrade tree with 100+ upgrades. Dwerve only attacks when he stays still but when your turret is destroyed, you have to escape. You can dash through enemies every 3 seconds. Because the enemies are always targeting Dwerve, you have to move around and strategically place your turrets/traps after recalling them. This makes sure that the gameplay doesn't become stale.
Alright, so, basically dwerve is a game that was released a yer ago for pc, but now they are developing the mobile version, i think its a really good idea to simplificate the game for mobile gamers, knowing that the mobile game indistry generates more benefits than the pc games, so, i need to say that i never played the pc version, but i informed myself after playing this beta, dwerve is a very original rpg tower defensa game, that mixes zelda 8 bit artwork style and mystcal history, with a very good live combat with the enemies, once you progress the history you unlock new weapons, upgrades like some other rpg games, but with the diference of the runes, item that you colect trough the story and defines the capacity of your weapons, a very good idea, and very well adaptad to mobile controls.
3.3K 瀏覽 06/19/2023
Delta Wowf UwU
Dwerve: A relaxing Tower Defense about finding your mother. What is it with heroes & always los..
4.7K 瀏覽 06/20/2023
799 瀏覽 06/18/2023
The graphics look incredible, each Sprite has a way of fitting neatly into the game and the story doesn't drag along at all, unlike some games of a similar nature. What I will say, however is that I encountered some bugs- some UI such as the pause menu and upgrade menu are a bit finicky, the map however is completely busted, I struggled more with the map than some of the combat. Also in the gnoblin maze, I somehow missed a cutscene trigger (a dialogue noticing the hippogriff) until I was exiting the maze. Glitches aside this project is incredible and I cannot wait to see more because this story has me hooked!
1.3K 瀏覽 06/27/2023
Placing turrets could be better. You're most certainly going to be hit by enemies when replacing turret on higher levels. Here's what i can suggest, add another button with an indicator when putting a turret and be able to build a turret within 1 block/unit. Other than that, the game is awesome.
1.1K 瀏覽 09/10/2023
This game really surprised me The mechanics are so simple but the combat still feels refreshing, creating a mixture of TD, Adventure and Puzzle throughout the gameplay. Overall, It's pretty good