(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

7 회 조회 03/27/2022
1) (힐러 입장에서) 파티창이 직관적이지 않다 2) 캐릭터 머리 위에 체력 바 표시 기능이 없어 아쉽다 3) 도감작 컨텐츠는 유저들에게 스트레스를 줄 뿐이다 4) 일부 스킬 사용 시 프레임 드랍 or 스크린 렉이 발생한다 5) 장비 아이템을 어째서 성별로 구분했는가 6) 지역 이동에 대한 지도 직관성이 최악이다 7) 보스 전 대기 시 전체 대기자 및 파티 레이어를 추가하라
1 회 조회 03/25/2022
조작으로 플레이되는 방식이라면 굳이 왜 조작 ui를 만들었죠? 그리고 진짜 쉽게 질리네요
TeeTiny .....it's actually pretty big
1.3K 회 조회 12/24/2022
TeeTiny ...... First to start it has the weirdest name of any title ive played in the last couple of years . Its still in beta to my knowledge . But as of the last time I was in a closed beta everything was working , I was able to party up to beat some bosses ...grind out some junk to build my gear . Speaking of gear .... That is the hilarious part ...I needed to get stronger "Trousers" so I got a pair of ripped jeans and a sock 🤣😂🤣🤣 thats part of what is to be enjoyed in this game .
1.3K 회 조회 03/23/2022
This is my first time beta testing a new game and it's going good so far. Very interesting gameplay mechanics, nice Genshin-like graphics, loving the variety of character customization, and I especially love that the auto play is a complete option when you tap on the objective instead of reactivating after every task - just what I've been asking for all this time in android games in general. As for the battle system; the combat is kinda slow paced for me. Would it be too much asking to fix the hit box on characters? I don't like battle system in which you get hit by normal attacks even when distance away from the enemy. Kinda takes away from the fun of being a ranged character. I also wish that we could strafe around while using ranged attacks instead of having to stand one place to do so...
Akimitsu kun YT
1.9K 회 조회 03/24/2022
Not recommend playing this game.. Overall gameplay isn't good. Plus This game Have Auto gameplay mode.. Which is the most disgusting button for me to see in mmorpg games. Are we going to play or let the game play itself and just watch it? Humm.. So many problems with this game but Let me say one good thing about this game...​the Graphics and animation are quite good or decent quality. I can't even use the my game name in this game..​Japanese words are not allowed and only accept English names.took me about 15min to make them accept my ingame name..
386 회 조회 03/25/2022
I thought they abandonned this game a long time ago... I participated in the alpha test or whatever they called it back then but after it ended, there was no news at all. 😭 I really love this game, so Ill give the cbt a try as well. Im really glad that they didnt give up on it! ✦.✦
Auto games are not my thing but when it comes to graphics this one is a top tier for a mobile game. Yes I know it looks like a Zelda game but the developer did his own way not to copy the whole thing, I'd recommend this game to mostly auto players that have spare time to play games because this game can save alot of time specially when you only have limited time playing games, none the less I like the game and it's chat and story. quick tip if you're a male choose the female character because you don't want to stare on my male character ass yknow 😅
733 회 조회 03/23/2022
620 회 조회 04/04/2022
We have a proberb saying give "Ceco" what he deserve.. 1. This game is in CBT and ofcours has to many bugs. Screen freeze, quest bug, loging issues, item upgrate issues etc. To many atm 2. Has auto battle and no afk mode. But auto batlle is worthless in pvp and boss fight. U must play manualy for those to get beter result. If u can kill a certain boss in auto batle u can kill +2 floor boss manualy.
21 회 조회 03/24/2022
Probably one of the worst Mmo's on mobile, and I know that doesn't say much but it is very bad. the UI looking very cluttered along with very small buttons plus the auto-combat and questing feels like your wrestling the controls than using it to play the game. Progression is very slow, Killing the starter enemies only give you less than 2% experience and I was Level 3, the game gave me a sidequest and rewarded me with a common Hat but the next main quest gave me 2 uncommon hats, so what was the point of the side quest then??
Maintenance is over. I can finally play! CBT Schedule: 3/22 (Tue) 07:00 ~ 3/28 (Mon) UTC -------------- Sad T. T The server is under maintenance. -------------- I need to download 1.2GB data in the game. Still waiting for it.
470 회 조회 03/22/2022
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?