(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Dying To Play
Darkness & Divinity - Unlocking New Rare Character The Ghost Pirate - Android Gameplay
7.6K 회 조회 09/09/2022
Dying To Play
Darkness & Divinity - Defeating Dark General The Corrupted Soul - Android Gameplay
7.5K 회 조회 09/09/2022
67K 회 조회 09/01/2023
Game won't even load...
400 회 조회 10/02/2022
...and hangs. No explanation why.
122 회 조회 04/04/2022
Beta test : Game looks good, graphics not bad, and its fun. But there is many bug and ui problems atm. Game design level are copy paste. Main quest and dungeon are always the same. Amazing how all level are exactly the same things... Story is ok Sound and music are missing sonetimes Yes this game has potential, and could be fun, but there are alot of missing stuff to be a ready to play game atm.
삭제된 계정입니다
318 회 조회 04/03/2022
if you wanna something to play while sitting on your "throne", this game is okay. graphics are beautiful. gameplay are easy to understand because it is similar with other auto gacha games.
Timothy Pietrzak
542 회 조회 01/29/2023
So many questions about how and what to do.. a lot of resources and gear and etc. etc. etc.. no tutorials not sure what to use to level characters.. no guides on line.. just a lot of figuring stuff out.
593 회 조회 04/03/2022
i like it! but still beta test. I'll wait for the official release.
807 회 조회 04/07/2022
I like this game with the dark theme to it but it is insanely unpolished with bugs and glitches. skills are blogged out with black blocks , finish a stage and it takes you to the start again and man you walk slow as hell. UI struggles to acknowledge your touch movements where you end up button smashing for something to work. game has a future but needs loads of work into it.
1K 회 조회 04/16/2022
good game, personally i like the art concept alot, reminds me of dark souls and bloodborne, i really like how the scenario from start button to in game, for quest to quest, man it's beautiful. the characters design is pretty generic but beautiful on specific details i think. gameplay, i like the realtime battle style, i actually hope for more active skill to control for each character on site (don't know if there's more because i didn't play the game that much), but that's how this game is for me. there are some bug, freezes, i hope can be fixed at future release. i hope the game have beautiful future because personally i like this game lol..thank you dev team
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