(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

436 회 조회 09/07/2022
668 회 조회 04/29/2022
I'm touch with the story and surprise for having so many plot twist. I want to play the 'To The Moon" now but sadly still a student with not much allowance. I will play it after I get a stable salary if I still remember it. Continue the work!!!
220 회 조회 05/02/2022
i just finished the demo and i loooved the game so much! great work! i loved the twists it was unexpected for me and i loved the small comedy moments! the ending was amazing as well~ amazing work! i can't wait for more games from you😍
Mustafa Adel
829 회 조회 04/28/2022
i play the demo and i can say this game is perfect , mobile gamers will have Big game coming to them
MEmo TheCookieTheory MEhdar
700 회 조회 05/01/2022
Great concept but, as a pixel gamer I honestly find the interaction is a bit boring, find a way to create many interactive ideas , other than that great story and relaxing gameplay , has a lot of potentials. best wishes and good luck Good luck
marianna ackermann
653 회 조회 05/10/2022
Really great game! I love the story and the reality where this game takes place is so compelling. I truly recommend to everyone the whole series ( To the Moon, Finding Paradise and Impostor Factory).
585 회 조회 05/07/2022
Loved the game just wished I colud have had a little more time I might have finished it.
956 회 조회 04/28/2022
It's an amazing game, the story is really good, I appreciate the opportunity to play the demo.
Dekiee Mon
593 회 조회 05/01/2022
it's so unique games and I love the story thank youu
706 회 조회 04/29/2022
thanks for the opportunity.. great game..
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?