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Zacker Gamer A(已禁言)
Bloodline The Last Royal Vampire - Gameplay Official Launch Android iOS APK Download
235 瀏覽 06/21/2022
Narukami Shirou
Good bye again Bloodline
402 瀏覽 10/20/2022
I played in server G18 Ghoul and today I found the server is full and everytime I tried to enter it always force closed. Even after I use the newest server available it force closed right after the tutorials. So I guess it's time for a bitter farewell again. IF YOU'RE GONNA CLOSE THE SERVER AT LEAST GIVE US A DAMN WARNING, DAMMIT!!!! THE SAME GOES FOR WHEN THE GAME SUDDENLY WENT  UNAVAILABLE AND ERASED YEARS AGO. NO FUCKING ANNOUNCEMENTS
183 瀏覽 06/30/2022
If you are trying to revive a game, you actually need to put a lot of effort into it since the system is so outdated its embarrasing to release. Story wise: They remake the story into absolute mess. They just need to keep the old story while using the time saved to make new stories. Copyright issues? Then make another game if you are not creatively bankrupt. Gameplay wise: Strategy and synergy of the gacha characters should be the selling point of this game if you dont have graphics or story to back it up but nope.... Lets' bring an AOT collab character which ruins everything the core gameplay has to offer. The game becomes who have a better Eren wins.
Van Eltia
134 瀏覽 06/26/2022
One unit broke the balance of the game early game and maybe even up to late game. Shame could be a decent return. +1 to nostalgia effect tho
Chrizianne Jannah Guerrero
Voice would be good.
1K 瀏覽 10/30/2022
i love it! They added a few things not present from the older version, I'm just very happy for it to be back, if only the old voices would be added as well. That's extra points.
62 瀏覽 06/30/2022
story is very bad compared with the old story the game has. gameplay wise all you need is Eren to dominate the game. TLDR: no strategy required
Rvs Portrait
920 瀏覽 08/11/2022
The reason I want to play this game again is because in the past the game had a good voice character, But now there is absolutely no character's voice, it's a pity and I have to say this game is bad if there is no voice of the character
Dying To Play
Bloodline: Last Royal Vampire - Brand New Event Sword Of Death - Android Gameplay
1.1K 瀏覽 09/28/2022
1.3K 瀏覽 07/05/2022
lame game with the worst event to start.. should just close the game but nope; they want to soak up all the pay2play people before shutting it down again due to everyone quitting after the AoT event ends.
744 瀏覽 06/26/2022
thats eren was to over power can solo an entire squad by himself.