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'Memento Mori' review
เรียกดู 829 11/17/2022
Let’s just say the artwork is beautifully done and each heroine has their own theme song which plays on the Home Screen when you are in game. It plays like any other idle game you can download but adds voices from the characters. The story is nice deserves a play if idle rpgs are your thing.
Memento Mori, waste the beautiful arts, music with its terrible gameplay.
เรียกดู 1.1K 11/02/2022
the music is good, the art is good, but the gameplay is the worse i have ever seen. It's okay that you want all the witches on a line with the same chance of getting hit, but then at least release some witch that is an actual tank with a taunt feature because im tired of my main dmg get one shotted by stray bullets from random target skill while the suppose to be tank with defense skill and no dmg at all got hit by nothing. In the long run, this game just base on pure luck: just hit skip for 100+ time and maybe you'll win, no strategy at all. The arts and musics attract players but the actual gameplay is what keeping the players, but the game put all they got in the music and art and zero effort in the gameplay. Another instant noodle game and i guess it will be closed within 1 year. Not to mention the horrible afk rewards and slow progress despite the game is an afk game.
MokzZ Gaming
Why Memento Mori can't be called a game at all ? - Reroll Guide,Tier list, Mistakes to Avoid, & more
เรียกดู 649 10/27/2022
เรียกดู 707 10/28/2022
Its got a very unique and well done art style. Combat is wierd, didnt eben realize I had a battle first time. Theme of emotional trauma as a game is way to grating though.
This game Memento Morí have and variety of characters, are beautiful and aesthetic, but the scenaries remember me and a nobel of Miguel de Cervantes, the playing its boring its quick become a monotone.
เรียกดู 1.1K 10/18/2022
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