(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

'Total Football'에 대한 리뷰
0 회 조회 12/12/2022
남겨주세요good RRphNrofobfo
'Total Football'에 대한 리뷰
0 회 조회 12/24/2022
16 회 조회 4d
Glad the issues have been fixed. Amazing game with amazing controls. Simple and straight-forward, very user-friendly with no forced ads (even the ones available are very rewarding). I will never be a fan of in-app purchases but I guess all mobile platform games work that way in this day and age so that fact can be ignored here. Events are very rewarding and multiplayer is enjoyable in its own way. Effort given by devs to make a random gamer's life fun can be seen through the game itself, and it is an important aspect which I really appreciate.
1 회 조회 2d
MVery good, but as there are still some bugs that I think will be removed in the future, I couldn't help but give 4 stars
dark good
3 회 조회 6d
wI started playing the game a little while ago, I thought it was cool, I haven't dealt with any bugs yet
Jason Nsinimovu
1 회 조회 2d
Its a good game but can you add skills to the game to make it better
Really Sad
8 회 조회 04/25/2024
Since the update, why is the gameplay so bad and delayed👎
Kauã Raimundo
5 회 조회 04/26/2024
ANDHe doesn't get involved in the game, nor does efootball get involved either.
Oussama Welhazi
0 회 조회 5d
Still need a lot of work
Kizz ramazani
33 회 조회 04/06/2024
J I love this game it's adorable 🎮 Gameplay: I love this game it's adorable
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