滿分為 10


Ellie Kin
To meet fantasy
2.3K 瀏覽 02/06/2023
TapTap Creator
Another MMORPG that is not that fun but an interesting system - AVARS: AVABEL Ranking Season
1.1K 瀏覽 02/11/2023
795 瀏覽 02/09/2023
Literally just a copy of its past games with a different style of ranking. Pretty much nothing new and all they're doing now is just hoping to reel in more cash before the game shuts down. There is nothing fun about this if you've already played the previous ones..  so I'm not sure why they even made this game.
1.1K 瀏覽 02/06/2023
Ugly game I ever had in my all inter my life yo need help look just think what's going on why you are here this is even a real game or some scammer stuff you cant do quest or change your character OMG so hard to play with npc OMG its so bad bruuh
Melty Zheng Dao
1.4K 瀏覽 02/06/2023
Link... For 2 sec For every action you make. If you enjoy 2 sec of loading every 5 sec of game play. This is the game for you.
TapTap Creator
So much LINKING!!! - AVABEL Ranking Season Mobile Review
1.8K 瀏覽 02/11/2023
242 瀏覽 02/05/2023
It is currently under maintenance. I couldn’t find online on when the maintenance would end. Anyone knows? Also, let’s play together when it’s done! Will use this comment section to update & let you guys know my user ☺️
992 瀏覽 02/13/2023
Old dogs can't learn new tricks kind of way this literally the same game and still the same problem that they haven't adapted to recent MMORPG genre, clunky and lazy
Akimitsu kun YT
'AVARS: AVABEL Ranking Season' review
357 瀏覽 02/07/2023
TBH Avabel Online was My first MMORPG that I had played for the first time.. And this is exactly same but different because there is no friend system so far.. I'm at lvl 20 now but still no option for add friend. It is probably because this game is made for pvp and ranking only. We can go play Original ver if we wanna add friends.. I don't see the party either.. Well i​don't really mind that and this game only take like 200mb space in my phone.. Everything is running online.. So u do need good internet to play it smoothly because it will take more loading time if ur connection is bad.. I can play it smoothly tho.
Broccoli Gaming Channel
AVARS: AVABEL Ranking Season gameplay - new version of avabel MMORPG
5.3K 瀏覽 02/06/2023