WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator遊戲截圖
WorldBox - God Simulator

WorldBox - God Simulator

廠商 Maxim Karpenko
1,200 追蹤

WorldBox是一個終極上帝模擬器及沙盒遊戲!創造你的專屬世界,或使用不同物品摧毀它:上帝模擬器 工具欄有不同的物品可供你使用。多樣化的世界 每個不同的生物都有自己的特質,性格,以及需求。動物會在世界中尋找食物,貪婪的國王會掠奪他國的土地或在世界内不斷擴大領地。
使用不同的工具或形狀以設計及填充你的世界:幻象不同的爭霸 遊戲内提供四種文明生物,人類,精靈,矮人,以及獸人!他們各自有自己的種族特徵及生活習慣。文明 各個種族會形成自己的王國,向外殖民,出海航行。外交系統 各王國會互相鬥爭,城鎮或被摧毀,王國也會被毀滅。但你可以選擇幫助他們或遵守自然規律!
遊戲有大量的有趣和瘋狂的物品等待著你的探索:毀滅性工具 閃電,龍捲風,酸雨,核武器,隕石,鼠疫,巨龍,甚至有UFO!不同的生物 惡魔,骷髏,殭屍,腫瘤,冰魔,巨龍,UFO,以及可以由玩家控制的巨型蟹斯拉!
與自己的世界進行互動,創造各個場景:互動 使用大型磁石影響世界的運行,或者用不同物品誘使王國之間進行戰爭,也可以創造巨大的龍捲風!你可以使用不同的方法影響世界。分享 在WorldBox的社區上分享你驚人的創意!生成系統 使用生成功能創造不同大小的世界,透過不同國旗和名字搜尋王國。

滿分為 10



Why You Should Get Worldbox
66 瀏覽 02/05/2024
1.6K 瀏覽 06/28/2023
Brief explanation of gameplay and features Engaging Visuals Dynamic World Creation 1. Ability to shape and mold the world 2. Unlocking creative potential Diverse Biomes and Locations 1. Variety of terrains, climates, and ecosystems 2. Exploration and discovery Sandbox Gameplay 1. Unlimited possibilities and experimentation 2. Total control over world events Imagine being the master of your own universe, where every choice and action reverberates throughout a meticulously crafted world. Worldbox, an awe-inspiring game developed by Maxim Karpenko, encapsulates this extraordinary experience. With its immersive graphics, unparalleled freedom, complex simulations, and vibrant community, Worldbox creates an enchanting gaming experience unlike any other,What truly sets Worldbox apart is its dynamic world creation. Players possess the unique ability to shape and mold the world according to their creative desires. With a simple tap, mountains can be raised, valleys can be carved, and lakes can be formed. This unparalleled freedom enables players to unlock their creative potential, while also providing a sense of god-like power,Worldbox thrives on its complex simulations and interactions, creating a world that feels alive and vibrant. Powered by advanced artificial intelligence, the characters and civilizations within the game exhibit autonomous behavior. This unpredictability results in interesting and unexpected events, constantly keeping players on their toes.
37 瀏覽 03/05/2024
The game is good but the evolution is until midieval Era. I think developers they need to improve the evolution of minions
Play God With This Game
1.9K 瀏覽 10/16/2023