I am The Exorcistのキャプチャ
I am The Exorcistのキャプチャ
I am The Exorcistのキャプチャ
I am The Exorcistのキャプチャ
I am The Exorcistのキャプチャ
I am The Exorcist

I am The Exorcist

会社 kkntkkb
10 フォロワー

Game Summary:You meet a miko in the park, and the exorcism story unfolds.
In the game, you need to complete the tasks of each level to unlock more characters and missionGame Features:third person perspective.
Players can exorcise demons in many ways, such as: sneaking, attacking, or throwing small stones to attract ghosts.
Each level has unique characters and gameplay.
Whenever the specified level is completed, the character will appear in the base.
In the future, we will continue to update and recommend more free or low-price DLC, including the dress-up system and new levels.



