Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Screenshot of Silent Hope
Silent Hope

Silent Hope

Provider Marvelous Inc.

One day, a terrible calamity struck a peaceful kingdom. In the chaos that followed, the people began to deceive and backstab each other. Their King used his powerful magic to steal away people’s ability to speak and hurled himself into the Abyss. His daughter, the Princess, cried an endless flood of tears until they encased her in a giant crystal teardrop.

Many years after these events faded to memory, seven rainbow-colored lights flew from the Abyss. These rays of hope appeared before the Princess manifesting themselves as seven heroes, ready to answer the Princess' call for help. Why did the King abandon his daughter and his people? And why did he steal their ability to speak?◆Seven Heroes, Seven Unique Fighting StylesChoose from a motley crew of characters like the well-rounded Wanderer, long-range specialist Archer, or heavy-hitting Warrior to find whose skills suit your playstyle, and embrace new roles and abilities as you gain more experience. Use crystals found throughout the Abyss to switch characters or return to Base Camp.◆A Home at the Edge of the WorldFind new recipes and materials and return to your Base Camp at the edge of The Abyss, where each character has a unique job. From alchemist to blacksmith to cook, each hero brings something different.◆Engaging Exploration and Dungeon-CrawlingExperience a new layout each time you enter the enigmatic Abyss, keeping you on your toes every moment you explore, and look out for Memory Rifts, where greater rewards -- and challenges -- await.◆A Vibrant Storybook AestheticThe Princess narrates each step of your journey, giving the feeling of a fairy tale come to life -- right down to the dark mysteries waiting to be uncovered in the visually stunning underworld.


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