(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Most Helpful
Manthan Dalvi
1.9K 회 조회 07/17/2023
The game graphics are very good but the game is lagging please fix it I'm very excited to play this game without any issues
varun kamath
726 회 조회 07/17/2023
Ping me when the devs realise how much they've left to do on this game, I'll play once the game is completely updated.
1.5K 회 조회 07/17/2023
Game is not optimised Basically the game is rushed Why are people so impatient and slacking I see no passion in your game Tried to consider the fact of a game being made because of the ongoing trend but thats it.
TapTap Creator
Only for those looking to punish and frustrate themselves | Review - Dumb Ways to Climb
1.7K 회 조회 07/17/2023
2.8K 회 조회 07/17/2023
The game was awful for me, cause there is no settings at all. I can’t change the graphics as I want or even the control layout. I would like to have settings and controller support (MFI controllers at least), because it is hard to navigate your character on mobile screen through little paths in the air Overall experience: Graphics: 5/10 Control/movement: 3/10 (it is really annoying to tap sprint button for some actions)
28 회 조회 04/13/2024
I really love these types of games. I get obsessively into them. This is a good one for exactly what they say "unimpressive" and "thrown together in a week" which sounds bad but is exactly which makes it brilliant. The only thing i would like devs to look into is a very unimpressive pause button and game quality setting to make it more accessible to players with lower end/spec devices.
Yamraj Lord of death
29 회 조회 03/11/2024
Amazing just like only up
Vishw / Krish varmora
99 회 조회 01/08/2024
What a grate game the grafix are grate but this is hard
1K 회 조회 10/10/2023
There are some framedrops but it is good to play
1.2K 회 조회 09/13/2023
You should play this if you wanna waste your time and just absolutely kill yourself with either stress or rage that will engulfs you from the inside... Control is absolutely horrible. you could literally just move the Joystick straight and jump and you're gonna go on the opposite way. ALSO FIX THE SENSITIVITY.
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