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The amazing game you may know, the question is can you overlook the cons and enjoy the pros?
99 Views 02/05/2024
I love this game, but what's a good game without its flaws, I mean let's be honest there is no perfect game. I'll be discussing some things with you guys and definitely highlight some important key things, so it's better understood "what you are walking into", if your just starting out, or maybe you're here maybe learn something you may not have known before, but we will see as we get into it. I'll be reviewing the entire cod history, and will be linking this review to it; once I get done with this review! So definitely stay tuned, as the review of the entire cod history is very long and I want to highlight everything I like, disliked, and along with some facts that you may not have originally known.
It’s Raining Really F****ing Hard
1.4K Views 11/23/2023
I’m not gonna hate this game for the sake of hating it like everyone else. I don’t see the point trying to fit in to a community of people to be liked. This game is ok. It’s not the best. But it’s exactly what a Call of Duty game is, and I’m unsure how people who genuinely dislike this game, see any different. The maps a great, the guns are great, the story is brilliant. That zombies mode too😮‍💨 for people who never played MW2, this will be a big surprise. Have a go at it before hating it, and I promise you, there will be something about this game to make you smile.
5 Views 05/20/2024
The best game
20 Views 04/10/2024
always a good time playing with your homies. Long time player here of the franchise.
48 Views 03/04/2024
👍 Pros: Its Call of duty   👎 Cons: It's $70 it's basically a DLC to MW2 like come on Activision.  🎮 Gameplay: I mean it's ok but the slow aim down sights mechanic is SO BAD! Like it takes me 5 seconds just to aim with my fully custom gun!  📖 Storyline: It's pretty descent (I guess)  👥 Multiplayer: SBMM or better known as Skill Based MatchMaking. Like I get teamed up with players that are level 4 and are complete bots! And the people that I'm fighting are so good at the game! And are at level 500 (max level at the time btw) and have a KD ratio of 6.0 (KD ratio means Kill Death meaning how many kills you get more than how many times you die)             💰 Value for Money: I mean $70 dollars for the game it self and $20 per bundle for the game is wild and the bundles are complete garbage! The weapon blueprints are bad too! Like COME ON ACTIVISION DO YOU LOVE YOUR FANS OR MONEY MORE?!?! Follow me for more CoD posts
43 Views 02/19/2024
Im so good at it (i barely have 2 kills in one match)
It's so much fun
187 Views 12/31/2023
Demon king
473 Views 11/20/2023
Love it it has good player fun to play mainly br ius eays
Jmarc Cy
516 Views 11/07/2023
I played this on pc ngl it's awesome
That's everything for now. Start a new game?