👍 Pros: Its Call of duty   👎 Cons: It's $70 it's basically a DLC to MW2 like come on Activision.  🎮 Gameplay: I mean it's ok but the slow aim down sights mechanic is SO BAD! Like it takes me 5 seconds just to aim with my fully custom gun!  📖 Storyline: It's pretty descent (I guess)  👥 Multiplayer: SBMM or better known as Skill Based MatchMaking. Like I get teamed up with players that are level 4 and are complete bots! And the people that I'm fighting are so good at the game! And are at level 500 (max level at the time btw) and have a KD ratio of 6.0 (KD ratio means Kill Death meaning how many kills you get more than how many times you die)             💰 Value for Money: I mean $70 dollars for the game it self and $20 per bundle for the game is wild and the bundles are complete garbage! The weapon blueprints are bad too! Like COME ON ACTIVISION DO YOU LOVE YOUR FANS OR MONEY MORE?!?! Follow me for more CoD posts
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