Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷
Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷
Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷
Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷
Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷
Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷
Mouthwashing 게임 스크린 샷


개발사 Wrong Organ
8 팔로우

Pony Express long-haul space freighter "Tulpar"

Crew: Five

Planned Shipment Duration: 382 Days

Elapsed Transit Time: 147 Days

I hope this hurts.

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A narrative driven first-person horror game following the dying crew of a shipwrecked space freighter.

Who could have known what good ol’ Captain Curly was capable of? Guess he thought his crew dying alongside him was only right. But some men can’t even kill themselves properly. Maimed, limbless and unable to speak, but alive, Curly is now at the mercy of the crew he has doomed to a slow death.

The Pony Express long-haul galactic freighter Tulpar is stranded within an uncharted region of space. Emergency life support systems saved the Captain and crew of four. The ship will run out of power within six months, food rations long before that. Adrift far off their shipment route, they know the chance of rescue nears zero. Opening the cargo hold is strictly prohibited by the company, but the contents could mean a prolonged chance of survival.

In the space freighter industry, there’s a saying:
“Hope to die, or for goodness sake, pray that everyone else did.”

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