Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula遊戲截圖
Sword & Spatula

Sword & Spatula

廠商 Kor Games

Sword & Spatula is a cooperative action-strategy game designed for two players, blending the thrill of combat with the art of cooking. In the game, players traverse a whimsical yet dangerous world, facing waves of diverse enemies and satisfying their hunger by preparing meals.

Each player has a health bar and a hunger bar, and the game level is failed if either bar reaches zero. Players need to simultaneously engage in battles and keep themselves fed, creating a dynamic and engaging gameplay loop.

The game presents varying enemy types, each with distinct speed, hit points, and melee attack damage profiles. From balanced medium-paced enemies to slow, hard-hitting brutes, and quick, weaker attackers that can stun players, the game provides an array of challenges for players to strategize and overcome.

Cooking forms a significant aspect of gameplay Players need to use ingredients found scattered across the level to prepare meals using recipes they learn along the way. The cooking counters are relocatable, allowing players to customize their kitchen setup.Defeat enemies and cook meals to earn experience points When the shared experience bar is filled, both players get to level up. They can choose to enhance their skills and stats, upgrade existing recipes, or learn new ones, offering a meaningful progression system.

The combat system of Sword & Spatula features sword attacks and a variety of unique skills, including offensive, defensive, and movement skills. These skills operate on a cooldown, encouraging strategic thinking and careful planning during battles.Cooperation is KeyPlayers must balance combat and cooking while relying on each other's abilities to survive. Despite its diverse mechanics, the game is designed to be easy to learn, making it accessible to a wide range of players. With a variety of enemy types and a dynamic kitchen setup, each playthrough offers a fresh, unpredictable experience.



