Steel Roamerのキャプチャ
Steel Roamerのキャプチャ
Steel Roamerのキャプチャ
Steel Roamerのキャプチャ
Steel Roamerのキャプチャ
Steel Roamer

Steel Roamer

会社 Kyle Kirley

This game is inspired by "Iron Lung​" based in the Australian outback.

In the desolate Australian outback of 1997, Steel Roamer offers a brief, chilling horror experience. The twisted parody of a kangaroo, born from Wonder Magpie station's ominous shadow, blankets the land in eternal dread.

GAMEPLAYDRIVING SIMULATOR: Awakening within the RV's suffocating confines, you step from the shadows into a bone-chilling reality on this nightmarish odyssey. The shift from abyssal darkness to stark clarity jolts your senses, immersing you in an unrelenting suspense. Your gaze fixates on the modified RV's front and back consoles, your lifeline amidst the terror.

YOUR MISSION: Trigger all 9 signal towers, beckoning desperately for aid to rein in the abominations lurking beyond in the wasteland's depths.

STORYIn the haunting year of 1997, in the desolate fringes of Australia where Wonder Magpie Station's ominous shadow stretched, a cursed presence emerged a twisted parody of a kangaroo, casting a permanent shroud of dread over the land. This malevolent entity bore sinister names like "Shadow Hopper" and "Silent Roo," but none invoked more fear than the dreaded "Kylieroo." Whispers tell of its horrific birth: a ghastly, glowing harvest egg fused with an unearthly cobalt plant, a union that defied the natural order. Legends recount audacious experiments and a relentless thirst for forbidden knowledge.

Yet, within the grim walls of Flowers Gap, disaster was unleashed. From the very core of the egg surged a hellish blaze of enigmatic warmth and deadly decay, spawning a vile contagion that consumed the ill-fated laboratory, sealing its fate in a malevolent and suffocating embrace.



