Escape The Charon ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Escape The Charon ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Escape The Charon ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Escape The Charon ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Escape The Charon ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Escape The Charon

Escape The Charon

ผู้ให้บริการ Escape-The-Games
1 ติดตาม

Escape the Charon is a sci-fi adventure meant to be played in one sitting
The object was discovered in a desert on a dying planet at the edge of the galaxy. When an archaeological team unearthed the monolith, its unknown hieroglyphs gave them chills - could this be the work of the ancients? They enlisted the help of Andrea West and her team on the space station Charon to uncover the mystery of its origin.

James West was piloting his ship to Earth for a much needed leave. "Message received from Andrea," the computer chimed. He turned on his Neural Link Device and smiled as he opened the message.

"Jimmy, I need help. Something went terribly wrong! Can you..."

The rest of her words were cutoff. He immediately set course for the Charon.

"I'm coming sis"EXAMINE
Node-to-node movement to help prevent motion sickness3 difficulty levelsPuzzlesDesigned to be completed in one or two sittings




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