Neuralgia ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neuralgia ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neuralgia ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neuralgia ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neuralgia ภาพหน้าจอเกม


ผู้ให้บริการ Ivrey Games

In this horrifying game, you assume the role of Blake Jensen, the CEO of Creative Edge, a renowned company known for its groundbreaking innovations.

You unknowingly stumble upon a sinister plot of revenge. Jeffrey Howes, a former employee you sacked, nurses a deep-seated grudge against you. Blaming you for his personal downfall, he emerges from the shadows with a diabolical plan to make you pay for what he perceives as your transgressions.

To outwit your relentless adversary, you must rely on your wit, stealth, and quick thinking. Hide in the darkest corners, under desks, or within claustrophobic storage rooms, desperately evading Howes' predatory gaze. Every decision you make, every move you take, inches you closer to either salvation or the clutches of your nemesis.

The game's immersive atmosphere will keep you on the edge of your seat, your heart racing with each passing second. The haunting soundtrack and spine-chilling ambient noises will heighten your sense of unease, never letting you forget that danger lurks just beyond your line of sight.

Can you escape the clutches of Jeffrey Howes, and survive the nightmarish ordeal that awaits you within the confines of your own corporate office? The answer lies in your ability to think quickly, stay hidden, and outmaneuver your relentless pursuer. Brace yourself for a nerve-shredding experience that will leave you questioning your own sanity. Will you conquer your fears, or succumb to the suffocating darkness that surrounds you?




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