out of 10


Most Helpful
The Falcon
Get ready to dive into a world filled with mystery and excitement as you unravel its secrets
1.6K Views 12/22/2023
Devil Blade
A game that offers a unique and immersive experience, blending narrative elements with puzzles and mini-games. Each scenario in the game is accompanied by crisply written paragraphs that wrap the action in a captivating narrative. The game introduces a variety of puzzles and mini-games, adding an extra layer of engagement and challenge.
3.6K Views 12/21/2023
Silver and blood GAMEPLAY
315 Views 12/22/2023
The storyline is gripping, filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep players on the edge of their seats. The strategic gameplay mechanics add depth and challenge, requiring players to make tactical decisions that can impact the outcome of the game. The character development is also noteworthy, with well-rounded and relatable protagonists who undergo personal growth throughout the game. Also, the haunting soundtrack enhances the immersive experience, creating a sense of urgency and tension.
Dennis Deko
745 Views 11/03/2023
mI really liked the game, only there was no language pack, there were asterisks for the place of words, there were no settings yet, you need to optimize the game, in some places I released lags. And I liked everything else
1.1K Views 10/29/2023
This game got really lewd female characters which is honestly a good thing and it's beautifully done and the characters have such nice artsyle, pretty much the game has one of the best aesthetics on gacha game(Idk if this game is really gacha) in my opinion. Since it's only on beta when I played it I enjoyed it so far and it reminds me of the game illusion connect. But the huge problem is the gameplay since it lacks potential, even though I enjoyed it now I don't imagine playing this in a long time, I compared it a little to illusion connect which is a game that got Eos pretty soon because of gameplay and if I compare it to silver and blood gameplay, it's honestly arguably worse. The theme also makes the overall plot and characters also would be lacking potential as well since it's too restrictive to a like vampire/gothic theme.
773 Views 10/30/2023
Though the two bosses stages are a pain in the ass (3-13 and 4-10) overall it's a fun game. Though looks like they're not ready to launch it yet but they do it anyway, since the game feels incomplete. I've finished 4-10, floor 30 abyss, and all 3 stages but 1 in nightfall mode. We have yet to see the gacha feature, hopefully they have good rates
40 Views 03/04/2024
Worked supper well on snap dragon 8 😄😄😄 Hello developers, can we have the release date please ? 🥺
18 Views 01/31/2024
Takes forever to load and then said error
44 Views 01/29/2024
We can't play it stop posting it. The developers don't read our review or they don't give a "dam"
tang hieu
149 Views 01/07/2024
Trash game, so many bug and dont have blind account
That's everything for now. Start a new game?