ArenaMania 게임 스크린 샷
ArenaMania 게임 스크린 샷
ArenaMania 게임 스크린 샷
ArenaMania 게임 스크린 샷
ArenaMania 게임 스크린 샷


개발사 Sándor Vágási

“It’s the best game I’ve ever played” - The Developer
“Whatever you like sweetie” - The Developer's Mom
“Instead of making this, you could do some real work!” - The Developer's Dad

ArenaMania is a horde killing action game. Loot, blow up your enemies and most of all: Run!


- 4 different, challenging gamemode: Campaing, Sandbox, Endless, Hardcore.

- Bossbattles

- Fun breaklevels

- And exploding crowd, because why not!

Have fun! - Sandor & Norbiúr

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