Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Warsのキャプチャ
Missile Wars

Missile Wars

会社 Rogue NPCs LLP

In Missile Wars players will defend their asteroid from waves of incoming enemy missiles, invest in crucial tech upgrades and launch decisive countermeasures.

Defence requires timing, dexterity, prediction and precision using VR or keyboard & mouse. Targets must be prioritised based on threat-level and proximity, and despatched efficiently. A missed shot could have dire consequences.

Between waves players must manage their economy in order to invest in the tactical upgrades required to shift the balance of power. Is now the right time to put the enemy on the back foot with a devastating new missile - or better to hold back, beefing up the defences and vital resources?

As the match progresses the pressure ramps up; incoming missile waves are more numerous and varied, environmental events such as sandstorms and meteor strikes complicate the battlefield until one side's defences are breached. With their shields down, cities in ruin, and economy in tatters their asteroid is surely moments away from collapse - but could there be one last gasp at victory?Features VR Support
Online PVP in 1v1 and 2v2 modes
Online Co-operative play in Survival mode
Post-match stats



