Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales遊戲截圖
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales遊戲截圖
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales遊戲截圖
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales遊戲截圖
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales遊戲截圖
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales

發行 Innovative Game co.,Limited
16,935 下載21,482 追蹤

Welcome to the enchanting realm of "Tales & Dragons: New Journey"! In this captivating free, open-world fairy tale idle RPG, you'll embark on a highly engaging adventure. Whether you're in the office or out and about, you can effortlessly enjoy the excitement of an RPG and experience the unique charm of idle mechanics.

In this magical adventure of fairy tales and dragons, you are the chosen Dreamer by destiny. Join forces with your fairy tale Heroes and embark on a thrilling journey in this open-world fairy tale realm!

[Dragons and Magic | An Epic Fantasy Adventure]
Engage in intense dragon battles alongside over a hundred uniquely designed fairy tale Heroes in the emerald land of Oz. This is not just an ordinary RPG; it's an enchanting fantasy journey of epic proportions!

[Grind Free | A Lifetime of Hands-Free Leisure]
Bid farewell to monotonous grinding! The auto-play feature ensures you seamlessly progress through the game, thanks to the support of the multi-line idle system. Immerse yourself fully in the card-based experience without the hassle of constant manual operations.

[Fantastic Beginnings | Log in to Claim 1001 Draws]
Log in and receive 1001 draws as a generous starting gift. Further rewards include legendary Heroes, newbie rewards, and more during the first eight days!

[Deck Evolution | Rich Strategic Combinations]
Explore the intricate interactions of stats and skills, discover the innovative gameplay with magical Relics, and uncover the unique roles of each Hero. Adjust your tactics as needed, unleash the mighty power of divine artifacts, and ensure every strategic choice has a profound impact!

[Thrilling Battles | Bosses Await]
Are you ready for some intense battles? Lead your team of Heroes and confront the evil boss, Shadow Tyrant, in heart-pounding showdowns, making the fairy tale world great again!

Embark on this incredible adventure, seamlessly blending idle RPG mechanics with the magic of fairy tales and dragons. Your destiny awaits!

滿分為 10



Ms. Mirror
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales | 愛麗-新皮膚夢幻旅人
42 瀏覽 03/10/2024
74 瀏覽 01/25/2024
雖然🐏文玩起來障礙不大,但是還是希望能出個繁中版本? 看大家給的評價都挺不錯的就下載玩玩咯 game has been great thus far tutorial wasn't to long and heroes are pretty good! But the story inside is a little bit stale..>?
Ms. Mirror
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - 遊戲玩法 | 公會戰鬥
90 瀏覽 03/12/2024
225 瀏覽 01/25/2024
資源獲取💎: 每天白嫖黨大概可以獲得3000左右的鑽石(前期有很多很多送的資源,完全不會卡)但是到了前中期,經驗資源有點少,不夠升級,不過各種各樣的活動送了很多資源包可以自選。中期金幣也不夠了,慢慢攢問題不大的 成長體驗☄️: 我個人認爲戰力增長是非常快的,會有很大很大成就感。前期可以逛逛論壇,看看有沒有適合自己的陣容,喜歡的角色。我是偏強度黨,所以我前期把重心放在戰力提升上面了。但是在開啓種族豆蔓以後有些吃力,畢竟我打的偏風隊,目前水系豆蔓卡在120左右,用白雪支撐。 氪金度💰: 憑經驗,感覺v3收益最大(特殊召喚可以拿五星本體或者材料)但是我是白嫖黨,我的遊戲體驗也非常好,什麽東西都可以免費獲得,慢慢也可以升級 平衡性⚖️: 說實話平衡性有點低,光暗確實很強,但是平民黨養不起,所以我選擇了風系。光暗的材料和爆率都很低,所以建議白嫖黨和平民黨選擇三系角色。 策略深度: 有壹定的策略,不過可以多試幾次,壹般卡關多打幾次就過去了。也有可能有陣容,技能的策略我還沒有探索到。
Ms. Mirror
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales- 遊戲玩法 | 夢幻派對
70 瀏覽 03/07/2024
Ms. Mirror
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales | 祝所有女性玩家們婦女節快樂~
133 瀏覽 03/08/2024
Ms. Mirror
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - 遊戲玩法 | 快樂國
45 瀏覽 03/11/2024
Ms. Mirror
🎉 精彩週末獎勵等你拿!立即參加週末登入活動!
183 瀏覽 03/09/2024
Ms. Mirror
Dark Grimms' Fairy Tales - 玩法推薦 | 女巫的魔藥
57 瀏覽 03/06/2024
The benefits provided by these games are very generous. Come and give them a try!
1.9K 瀏覽 04/22/2024