Shatterbound ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Shatterbound ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Shatterbound ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Shatterbound ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Shatterbound ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Shatterbound ภาพหน้าจอเกม


ผู้ให้บริการ Rabid Troll Studios LLC

A game where you are your own solution... and greatest obstacle. Key FeaturesAfter every death, leave behind a ghost that repeats the exact movements you made previously
Work with your past selves to solve puzzles that couldn't otherwise be solved alone
Use your ghosts as platforms for total freedom of exploration
Allow your ghosts to break obstacles for you and clear your path
Carefully consider your actions, so as to not harm your future self through your ghost
Solve puzzles with many possible solutions, rewarding creative use of your ghosts




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