Hoping this Finds You Wellのキャプチャ
Hoping this Finds You Wellのキャプチャ
Hoping this Finds You Wellのキャプチャ
Hoping this Finds You Wellのキャプチャ
Hoping this Finds You Wellのキャプチャ
Hoping this Finds You Wellのキャプチャ
Hoping this Finds You Well

Hoping this Finds You Well

会社 Alexis Royce
12 フォロワー

An experiment in letter writing, meant to evoke the distinctly sweet homoerotisicm of Victorian and Edwardian literature. Follow the correspondence of two professors, in the months before one of them makes a decision he'll never be able to take back.

A visual novel with a cute mechanic: Slide the letters back and forth across the screen, to experience the time the letter is written, and when it is read!
About 10,000 words in length,
An Edwardian-esque fantasy setting,
A gentle, clean romance with two scientists, one of them arguably quite mad!



