

開発 L3E7
8,298 フォロワー

L3E7: A Web3 Location-Based Adventure Game

Embark on a thrilling journey where reality meets the cyberpunk realm in L3E7, a groundbreaking Web3 location information game. Here's what you need to know about this immersive experience:

🏙️ Real World, Cyberpunk Style: Utilizing advanced algorithms and data from GIS and OpenStreetMap, L3E7 transforms real-world buildings into cyberpunk-style structures within its expansive 3D space.

🛸 PvEvP Core Gameplay: Engage in thrilling PvEvP gameplay as you venture into in-game buildings corresponding to real-world landmarks. Battle formidable bosses, each with unique attributes, landmark-specific traits, and weather-influenced buffs and debuffs.

💪 Character Development: Strengthen your character's attributes and strategic prowess to challenge bosses effectively. Rewards in boss battles are determined by the damage you inflict, making character development crucial for success.

🤝 Social Collaboration: Join forces with nearby players for raid-like battles against bosses, fostering a vibrant social experience within the game. Adventure alongside other players in this interconnected cyberpunk 3D world.

💼 Web3 Integration: L3E7 is a Web3 game, meaning rewards earned in-game become valuable assets for players. Team up with friends, conquer bosses, and earn rewards as you explore this captivating virtual world.

👥 Character Collection: With over 50 characters featuring diverse characteristics, collect and develop your roster to challenge bosses and compete against other players. Switch between characters seamlessly in action-packed battles.

🚀 Development Update: After two years of development, L3E7 is steadily progressing and set for release in the second half of 2024. Stay tuned for further updates as we prepare to launch this innovative location-based adventure game.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the fusion of reality and cyberpunk fantasy with L3E7. Get ready to explore, battle, and conquer in this cutting-edge Web3 gaming experience. Adventure awaits in the world of L3E7! 🌆✨


