Dwarven Defenseのキャプチャ
Dwarven Defenseのキャプチャ
Dwarven Defenseのキャプチャ
Dwarven Defenseのキャプチャ
Dwarven Defenseのキャプチャ
Dwarven Defense

Dwarven Defense

会社 Darwin Zebandt

Use the day to construct powerful towers and walls to fortify your stronghold. But as night falls, you face hordes of enemies hell-bent on breaching your defenses.
Can you withstand the onslaught?Prepare your Defenses
Build the ultimate fortress, never to be conquered

Upgrade your defenses to emerge victorious
Survive the nightAfter nightfall, your fortress will be put to the test. Hordes of undead will come at your walls.

You can use various magical abilities to support your towers against the enemy



