Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Neo Art Space

Neo Art Space

ผู้ให้บริการ Neo Art Lab

Neo Art Space VR is a wow-inspiring immersive art experience. Traveling through space and time, you emerge in a new universe as an explorer of dazzling moving colorful light art, planets, stars and galaxies. You explore over 30 experiences orchestrated with gorgeous music to help you move from the everyday 3D experience to a transcendent 5D consciousness.

You can create your own experience via teleporting wherever you want to go on pathways through glowing light caves, into planets, through vibrantly alive forests, inside zinging energy fields, or out into space observatory see an eclipse. The array of experience and the levels you can go are as boundless as the universe you are in. You can even create your very own interactive geometric art.

Sharing the experience with others only amplifies its effect. You can meet family and friends inside and experience the sense of awe and wonder in the Neo Art Space VR together, making unforgettable memories that are as unique as the environment you are in.




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