会社 PlayFusion
19 フォロワー

About the GameThe World’s First Adaption Shooter!
ASCENDANT.COM is a squad-based, tactical FPS with serious balls. Loaded with game-changing events, this adrenaline-fueled shooter throws you into the heart of chaos and mixes things up every time you think you’ve got it figured out.

Set in a dynamic biopunk world where everything wants to kill you, fight to extract limited resources, and get out with more than just your dignity.


Adapt is the name of the game (well, not technically, but you get the idea). Like life, nothing in this world stays the same. The map, the tactics, the teams, the strategies, the events, they’re all different every time you step out.

One day rooms are open and you’re good to go. The next day they’re closed and your team is sucking on poison gas. Get used to it, because you have a snowball’s chance in hell of making it out with a biocore if your team doesn’t keep their heads on a swivel.

Remember to work together, because you’re just one of the 4 teams out there, all clawing for the same 3 biocores. So, you know it’s gonna get messy – you'll be stuck spinning your wheels if you think you can go it alone.

You can’t just run-and-gun on a hope and a prayer. If you want to walk away with more than just your crotch in your hand, you’ll need to plan, coordinate, and adapt to everything you didn’t plan on. Like chess, but with more violence and less manners.

Do you grab a biocore right away or do you let the suckers duke it out? Do you go in guns blazing, or lay in wait to pounce like a neon panther? The biocore’s in your court.


So, you've been on ice for a millennium, huh? Welcome to the party, pal! What have you missed?

Well, the world has turned into a dystopian biopunk nightmare thanks to a little cataclysm called the Cascade. Luckily, the hairspray, sunglasses, and heavy metal cassettes survived (thank god). But unfortunately, the biological over-engineering we thought would fix the planet simply blurred the line between organic and synthetic life. The result? An even more punishing environment and insane monsters that got loads better at killing us. Yay!

But on the plus side, we've got tons of kickass biopunk weapons and tech to kill them with. So turn that frown upside-down and go get yourself some life sustaining biocores before you and everyone you care about dies.

There’s always silver lining in even the darkest neon nightmare.

A WORLD OF SURPRISES (To kill you with)

Your ability to adapt and swallow whatever this world throws at you is pretty important. There’s a full buffet of crazy stuff for you to get into, but here’s a little tasting platter of some things to expect.

Air Strike
Who doesn’t love a good airstrike? (Probably whoever’s on the business end of it.)

This little bundle of projectiles that rain down on your enemies can turn the tide of any battle. An attack can be launched from the central tower's missile launcher system on whatever poor bastards are in your sights. Just mark your target on the map, then let ‘em rip and watch those cretins turn into craters.

But just so you know, as soon as you launch an attack an air raid siren will sound giving away your location to every Tom, Dick and Mary on the map. So, watch your back, because it’ll have a target on it. Just sayin’.Burrower
Imagine a turtle the size of a house that breathes poison gas and really really hates you. That’s basically what you’ll find lurking beneath the surface of this planet, waiting to ambush you at any time.

And he’s not alone. When a burrower decides to rear its extremely ugly head, its fun-sized baby burrowers are there to have its back and attack anyone trying to mess with the big guy. But if you do manage to take down this oversized lizard, the loot you get, including the ultimate weapon – the hyper cannon – will make it all worthwhile.Deathbringer
This one does what it says on the tin – it brings death in ways almost as subtle as its name. This colossal armored vehicle is equipped to kill in as many ways as possible. It’s got a flamethrower, an artillery cannon, and an automatic plasma rifle shotgun. And if you get tired of those, you can always just run things over.


When you’re not clocking headshots or running for your life, feel free to relax and explore the lobby we call the shade. But this isn’t just a waiting room. The shade is packed with everything you could ever want in a vibrant post-apocalyptic hub (except a dry cleaner).

Here you can meet fellow fighters, talk smack, solve intricate jumping puzzles, challenge others to one-on-one duels, try out weapons and vehicles, prepare your loadout for the next extraction, or just play hide and seek. All of which are great distractions from the realization that you are going to die soon.


Everyone in the shade is a special, little snowflake, so it’s important to find a weapon that truly reflects each fighter’s unique personality. Fortunately, you can customize your loadout to suit your gameplay style and strategy. Design them however you want, then name them, flaunt them, and then shoot something in the face with them.

With thousands of possible modifications, any weapon can be tweaked to the way you like to kill things. Want to turn your sniper into an area-of-effect blaster? Fine. Wish your rifle literally lit up enemies? Done. Whatever you want, you got it. And this deep customization affects not just the look of your weapons, but also how they play, allowing you to adapt and enjoy lighting fools up even more.


If you’re going to launch yourself into the murder bowl, you might as well look good doing it. So before you head out into the world of pain, why not try styling yourself to death.

Choose from hundreds of customization options to create a character that truly represents the futuristic, 80s, radical version of yourself. Maybe you’re feeling a bit like a slick David Bowie, or maybe a bit more of a rugged terminator. Maybe a bit of both. Who cares? No matter what you choose, it’ll have blood all over it soon enough.


ASCENDANT.COM is not just a competitive shooter. It's an arena where adaptability, strategy, and team dynamics are tested at every point. A game where each match is unique, and your tactics must continually adapt to the changing world around you.



