

개발사 SWM Games
17 다운로드9 팔로우

Do you like Solitaire Games? Do you want to download lots of Solitaire Games on your phone? Do you worry that these games will take up too much of your memory space? Don't Worry! Our Solitaire Collection can solve all your distress!!! <p>Solitaire Collection is a collection of solitaire card games including Klondike, FreeCell, Spider and Pyramid. You are free to switch among these games. And these classic games re available for Free!!! So downloading our Solitaire Collection is equivalent to downloading four Solitaire Card Games it contains. </p>
<p>Just have a try and you will love it!!!</p>
<p>♠Four kinds of Classic Solitaire Games<br>♠Random or Winning Deal<br>♠Exquisite interface<br>♠A large number of themes<br>♠Custom Cards and Game Backgrounds<br>♠Portrait or Landscape. Easy to operate<br>♠Show/Hide the Time &amp; Moves to change the difficulty<br>♠Show/Hide Hints and Unlimited Undos<br>♠Detailed Statistical information<br>♠Auto-complete the Game</p>
<p>Solitaire Collection is specially developed for the Solitaire enthusiasts. If you like our Solitaire Collection, it will bring you a lot of fun! If you don't like, we will spare no effort to improve our Game, until you are satisfied!!!</p>

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