Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2遊戲截圖
Angry Birds 2

Angry Birds 2

廠商 Rovio Entertainment Ltd.
35,972 下載130,336 追蹤

立即免費加入數億玩家的行列,開始有趣的彈弓冒險!與好友一起組隊,登上排行榜,齊聚家族,收集帽子,接受挑戰,在全新的遊戲模式中暢玩有趣的活動。在這款精彩刺激的《Angry Birds》遊戲中進化你的團隊,秀出你的技能!

想認識所有代表性的《Angry Birds》角色嗎?想體驗這款有趣的遊戲如何俘獲百萬玩家的心嗎?那就快來體驗吧!

● 每日挑戰。時間不多嗎?來完成每日挑戰,快進快出,得點獎勵。
● 用羽毛升級小鳥,提高得分能力。建立終極鳥群!
● 加入家族,與世界各地的朋友和玩家一起痛扁豬豬。
● 競技場爭雄。與其他玩家一起比賽,友好彈鳥,歡樂玩耍,看誰最棒。
● 收集搞笑帽。收集不同有趣主題的帽子,提高鳥群的時尚魅力,並參加特殊活動。
● 在「神鷹的訓練營」特別挑戰中,在威猛神鷹面前大顯身手,賺取金幣,在他的專屬商店中消費。
● 大量關卡。數百關卡,供你暢玩。定期更新及限時活動還會加入更多關卡。
● 排行榜。與好友和其他玩家競爭。全球排行榜,看誰排第一。
● 選擇小鳥。選擇要把哪隻彈小鳥放上彈弓。使用策略,打敗豬豬!
● 多階段關卡。歡樂刺激的多階段關卡,任你暢玩。留心豬豬 Boss!
● 免費下載!《Angry Birds 2》完全免費。雖然《Angry Birds 2》可免費下載,但也提供非強制性的應用程式內購內容。

在玩這款遊戲時,Rovio 會抵消設備能耗所造成的碳足跡。

憤怒小鳥2 完全可以免費玩。下載免費,應用內提供一些可選的購買選項。

- 指向針對 13 歲以上受眾的社交網站的鏈接。
- 將玩家帶離游戲去瀏覽任何互聯網網頁的的鏈接
- Rovio 產品廣告,以及來自第三方的產品廣告


我們可能會定期更新遊戲,例如添加新功能、新內容、修復錯誤或其他技術問題。請注意,如果您沒有安裝最新版本,遊戲可能無法正常運作。如果您尚未安裝最新的更新,Rovio 將不對遊戲未按預期運作承擔責任。


滿分為 10



TapTap 編輯
3.2K 瀏覽 03/27/2023
803 瀏覽 11/05/2023
20 瀏覽 04/18/2024
I had been playing angry birds games for a while, and when i saw angry birds 2 i was quite excited. And I have to say, it did not disappoint. One of the first things that stood out to me was the improved graphics and better animation.The level designs were also more complicated and  challenging, making each level funner and more interesting to play. In terms of gameplay, Angry Birds 2 was just a better version of the original. It also introduced some new things like spells, multi-stage levels and accessories. This added something new to the basic slingshot mechanic and kept the game from feeling to repetitive. It also has decent sound effects and music which add to the overall fun and replay ability of the game.
Quỳnh Như Lê Lâm
New Updates! 📜 Angry Birds 2 X ITZY Born To Be Coming Soon! 🎮🔥
42 瀏覽 04/18/2024
Muneer Sheraf
37 瀏覽 02/06/2024
Nice game.. Its very enjoy❤🔥
Gamxo Gaming‌
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60 瀏覽 5d
Angry birds 2
91 瀏覽 01/16/2024
940 瀏覽 06/20/2023
The first game I ever played
574 瀏覽 04/06/2023
Not as good as the original angry birds games, but it is still very enjoyable.
This game IS fun, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it does have some "Moments." The pigs can somehow get to impossible positions without popping. The daily levels are easy right until the one where you can get a legendary chest for the streak where it seems like the levels were made by the embodiment of a certain finger. One thing that doesn't have to be changed, but still annoys me, is the hatchling needs a lot of apples, but takes two bites from each apple, making it seem almost pointless.
1.2K 瀏覽 11/16/2022