(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Best RPG games that I've ever played [Android/iOS]
8.3K 회 조회 04/24/2024
0 회 조회 04/25/2024
Where is the latest update please?
Bun bun
9 회 조회 04/10/2024
I really like the game it reminds me of sword art online a bit
The 11 Must-Try Games in MMORPG
80 회 조회 7d
Zxcvb Qwerty
8 회 조회 03/21/2024
So much memories fron this game, I miss all my friend in this game
91 회 조회 02/22/2024
Tbh this is the first MMORPG game I played and it's my fav , unfortunately I quit cuz this are few players from my nation now cuz most players quit because of there are many high graphics new open world rpg games but in my opinion, this game have the best story ever, although most players don't care about story but graphics, I like the most about this game is you can customize as you like , you can learn and build any skill tree at your will (likes : one-handed sword, dual swords,katana, mage, support,tamer, blacksmith, ninja, magic sword,... And many roles) not like other gacha system MMORPG games it's pure f2p , ofc u can still use your money to buy cool avatar if you want to be p2w
Thomas Kennedy
46 회 조회 03/08/2024
I really like class aspect of this game. It is a true mmorpg.
2 회 조회 03/04/2024
Best one out there
toran online
67 회 조회 02/13/2024
👍 Pros: fun when first playing 👎 Cons: VEry boring without friends, its more suited towards having feoends to play with, else it just gets very lonley
13 회 조회 02/08/2024
The account transfer mechanic is garbage. I just lost my LVL 166 Character in an instant.
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