滿分為 10


Bla Ck Fun
7 瀏覽 12/18/2020
希望天天嘉年華快典回來 窩真的豪想玩這個遊戲😭😭😭
thy thy
12 瀏覽 04/11/2024
Please open again i rly want to play, my inner childhood is crumbling when i saw this game for 10 years :(((
981 瀏覽 12/22/2022
I Miss all the good times with this game so I decided to search for the game again and the sad thing is it ended as I was playing I miss just creating my character and just having a good time but it’s sad that they won’t bring it back it takes some of my faith in humanity away I grew up with these games and it’s sad that they have to go, I want to say one last thing about this game we live you and all of your experiences but our childhood has disappeared without you so please bring it back we love you and your games so please update them or even just let it be available on newer phones or tablets we miss you R.I.P Mini carnival this may sound sappy but I put my heart into this game we miss you bye now have a good rest of your day And have a merry Christmas…
140 瀏覽 12/22/2023
please Add mini carnival back, i want to play it again, i feel bad for your…yk but i really miss the mini carnival game, i want it to be added back on iphone and all devices. All of it was good, it doesn’t need to be updated, just want it back
1.1K 瀏覽 12/22/2022
Unfortunately when this game ended so did our childhood but we can still remember this community is bigger than any other game, but thousands after thousands people were let down after this I was one of them I was let down the most because I put so much hours into this game I just wish I when that one day this game will come back bigger and stronger than every but the sense of doubt has overflowed everyone with how long it’s been all we can do is hope that it will come back I loved this game with all my heart but now I feel empty without it, And sadness will soon overcome me we miss this game let’s just hope…
237 瀏覽 01/17/2024
childhood game. I miss it
please bring this back I just want to experience happiness again
900 瀏覽 12/24/2022
1.6K 瀏覽 02/26/2022
This is the greatest mobile game of it's time. This has many mini games for all types of player's, and you can make your own skins and buy skins from other fund yourself or others players in game. unfortunately it doesn't work on older versions of Android which will prohibit other players from enjoying this masterpiece.
760 瀏覽 08/19/2023
i grew up on this game and I still have a sliver of hope that it comes back one day and with that, I hope some old friends come back as well
674 瀏覽 12/24/2022