out of 10


0 Views 3d
There is just one thing missing if it had an online server were you meet other sim player it would be the best game ever create
2 Views 4d
It's amazing I love it
Q Dee
39 Views 02/05/2024
Not same as on pc, needs improvement and more interactions
List of all Android & iOS games that are fun to play
42K Views 11/26/2023
The Sims (games)
1.1K Views 08/18/2022
ive played all of them except the more recent Sims 4 but I love the game series although my family is not a big supporter as I am, they think it's built like a gambling game with asking for money for things for your sim(s), but I've always enjoyed the series, but since I got my new tablet which is a M10 Lenovo, it's been booting me out.  I'll still keep it though, as I enjoy it as much as I do the Sims Freeplay. 
881 Views 08/05/2021
Gameplay:the family game type but you can have your own family in unreal world.Highly recommand for lonely men :P. If you are lucky,you will find your soul mate in person in real world XD. Graphic:ultra high;realistic, charming, dramatic. Sound:To be honest I don't understand with what language do they talk cause these are "Sim's Language'' XD. To be serious it really has adorable voice.
Amara quartz
1.7K Views 07/04/2022
i use to have this game on my phone and it been a while so I download it I'm telling you that is was fun and I missed playing this game thank you for whoever made this game.  this game will not fail you 😍😊
799 Views 03/28/2022
Never really thought I would enjoy playing The Sims until now. I just downloaded this today and I love it! It's really fun but I was bummed to know that I can't play it offline so when I go to school and there's no Wi-Fi or I don't have data for example, I can easily play it but I can't. Doesn't bother me as much but yeah, really great game.
Barbara Urbanik
1.6K Views 10/05/2022
this game is fun and it would be better if there were other locations, clothes, professions, hobbies 😊😊 to play one and the same is boredom ☹☹
547 Views 08/19/2021
hello ,, just wanted to suggest .. please make a feature were in, we can save our progress in any email we have .. i love this game soo much. been playing this for years both pc ang android. Thank you !!
That's everything for now. Start a new game?