Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2遊戲截圖
Hill Climb Racing 2

Hill Climb Racing 2 陸服

發行 北京唯我乐园信息技术有限公司
開發 Fingersoft
10,268 下載5,056 追蹤

Hill Climb Racing 原班人馬創作的 Hill Climb Racing 2!更大、更棒,而且好玩多多!?

● 使用超過 20+ 種不同車輛比賽爬坡:汽車、卡車、腳踏車,甚至是***!
● 為你的愛車解鎖並升級全新車輛零件!
● 自訂自己的角色與車輛外觀!
● 在線上跟好友組隊,一同在車隊模式中競速!
● 在街機競速中使出超酷特技,讓比賽更有趣!
● 超多賽道可供挑選!
● 經典冒險模式回歸
● 為比賽帶來驚人變化的每週活動!
● 在線上比賽爬坡並賺取史詩戰利品!

Hill Climb Racing 2 是一款 2D 的線上多人賽車遊戲,各式賽道、車輛和角色自訂功能,盡在指尖觸控之間。

Hill Climb Racing 2 延續 Hill Climb Racing 1 大家最愛的特點,並以此為基礎增加了更多內容。大家最喜歡的冒險模式回歸,比以往更盛大,有超多新賽道可遊玩。你能在獎盃模式跟全球玩家進行比賽,甚至能跟好友一起創立車隊來獲得史詩賽季獎勵!我們增加了載具自訂功能,包含全新外觀和車輛升級,讓你的駕駛體驗更上一層樓!快上場比賽吧!

請記得,我們都在持續閱讀你的回饋建議並努力創造新的車輛、比賽與功能,當然也在解決你可能發現的任何問題。所以,無論是喜歡或不喜歡的東西,或是關於遊戲的任何問題,我們都非常希望你能寫信到 [email protected] 告訴我們,信裡請註明你的裝置品牌與型號。

* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fingersoft
* Twitter: @fingersoft
* Web: https://www.fingersoft.com
* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hillclimbracing_official
* Discord: https://discord.gg/hillclimbracing

每月VIP訂閱: 訂閱付款會在確認訂購時由iTunes帳戶扣款。 訂閱為自動更新,除非在目前效期結束的至少24小時之前取消訂閱。 帳戶每月扣款更新,扣款時間為目前效期結束前的24小時之內。 使用者可以管理訂閱,自動更新可從裝置上使用者的帳戶設定中關閉。


Hill Climb Racing 是 Fingersoft Ltd. 的註冊商標。保留所有權利。

滿分為 10



《 りくぃ 》
31 瀏覽 12/02/2023
這真好,但遊戲玩法有時會變得很煩人,但它總是可以控制的。10/10 我喜歡這個。
Sudip Sudhakar Patkar
'登山赛车2' impression
47 瀏覽 12/21/2022
Please i want to download
'登山赛车2' impression
806 瀏覽 12/20/2022
I love tthis
Sudip Sudhakar Patkar
'登山赛车2' impression
35 瀏覽 12/21/2022
Please i want to download
Sudip Sudhakar Patkar
'登山赛车2' impression
170 瀏覽 12/21/2022
Please i want to download
4 瀏覽 3d
I did a review on hill climb racing, so I kinda have to do one on hill climb racing 2 Hill climb racing 2 is a fun 2d racing game where you can customize and upgrade your vehicles. Gameplay: When you first start hill climb racing 2 you will have a little red truck. U can use this vehicle to do races against other npcs, winning these races will give you money and loot chests  you can use money to upgrade your vehicle or buy a new one. To unlock new vehicles you basically just have to win races which will raise your trophies, the more trophies you have the more maps and vehicles you unlock. Once you get enough trophies you will rank up to a higher league the higher leagues your in the more stuff you can do and the harder your opponents get. You can also open loot chests which contain money, different cosmetics, or modifications for your vehicles, if you are in a high enough league you can scrap modifications you don't want, and use them To upgrade the ones you like. There is also a bunch of events that you can play, the higher league your in the more events you will unlock.
181 瀏覽 12/18/2023
Its cool i just want it
《 りくぃ 》
My list of the best games.
381 瀏覽 12/03/2023
Alright, let's just get to the point. 1. HCR2 (Chinese + Worldwide) I really like these, not only you have to navigate your way to victory, you also have to do it faster than your opponents! 2. Bloons TD Battles 2 It's a fun competitive game where you can fight against other people from all over the world! 3. BTD5 (Mobile) It's basically Bloons TD Battles 2 but older (yes, it still gets updates), but it has great gameplay!
D Jones
1.1K 瀏覽 05/15/2023
I just want to play hcr2 Chinese version !
Abit HCR
1.9K 瀏覽 04/24/2023
Why HCR2 Chinese version was only for iOS?