《Mini Dayz:僵屍大生存》遊戲截圖
《Mini Dayz:僵屍大生存》遊戲截圖
《Mini Dayz:僵屍大生存》遊戲截圖
《Mini Dayz:僵屍大生存》

《Mini Dayz:僵屍大生存》

廠商 Bohemia Interactive a.s.
90,927 下載74,620 追蹤

您在後天啟世界中可以存活多久?馬上在《Mini DAYZ》中嘗試——取得巨大成功的電腦圖元藝術生存遊戲的官方巨獻——擁有超過300萬玩家粉絲。

在《Mini DAYZ》中,您將獨自對抗整個世界:探索隨機生成的地圖,並且尋找食物、彈藥和補給。使用您所找到的任何材料製作先進的工具。保護您自己免遭極具侵略性的狼群攻擊,它們已被感染,並且異常兇猛。但是,至關重要的是:確保始終保持乾燥、溫暖,並且吃飽肚子。外面的天氣會給直接影響著您的健康,並且,如果您不進行處理,您的傷口就無法癒合…


在《Mini DAYZ》中

● 探索純手工精心設計開放式世界地圖,體驗精美的圖元藝術風格以及各種標誌性建築
● 裝備您的角色,並且利用所掠奪到的大量戰利品嘗試存活盡可能長的時間
● 注意您的健康狀況、饑餓和口渴程度,避免失血
● 在各關卡持續存活下來,以提高角色等級,享受獎勵技能並收集您努力達成的成就
● 種植各種作物,製作新的工具,並使用營火和圍欄建立臨時基地
● 遭遇各種AI倖存者,包括友好和敵對的倖存者,並且抗擊(或避開)各種危險且潛藏在暗處的被感染者
● 將荒野當作您的朋友,而非您的敵人——利用各種自然自然存活下來
● 在日夜交替的迴圈中找到自己的道路,並且無論下雨還是下雪,都儘量保持暖和
● 無應用程式內購買

滿分為 10



55 瀏覽 04/06/2023
masha Anashika
42 瀏覽 02/22/2024
If you ever wanted a offline Dayz game this is it Challenging but fun at the same time it gives you a very good real time strategy game you can do lots of things loot do small missions for people get more things done unlock weapons do different types of modes it's just an all-out good zombie game 👎 Cons: for some unknown reason it was removed off of Google Play you can only get it through play mods or happy mods or some other mod apk
Best Zombie Survival game for mobile
327 瀏覽 02/09/2024
606 瀏覽 10/13/2023
THis is a great game. But, an anyone update this?
justin F8te
1.1K 瀏覽 10/13/2023
It keeps you maintaining a constant eye upon it you'd think that the graphics would loose your attention but it goes so well with the storyline like a zombie land type of mindset🎮 Gameplay: 📖 Storyline: 👍 Pros:
Marqus Alexander
657 瀏覽 09/26/2023
Would be awesome if it was online with 100+ players
Ehrj Serrano
968 瀏覽 04/23/2023
I want it 3d
Something left to be desired | MINIDAYZ review
4.4K 瀏覽 11/25/2022
1.2K 瀏覽 12/11/2022
Well this game is old and it's never gonna get an update because it's finished. And this game is not suitable for new android versions, android 5 (i think) and below are mote suitable for this game. This was my childhood game :)
lance er
754 瀏覽 11/02/2023
you can't even play the game, it's just stuck on bohemia interactive screen