out of 10


461 Views 12/06/2019
i thought it was gonna be good at first since this is Asobimo we're talking about but the game is a big "pay 2 win players kills free players simulator" game. you don't have any choice on the matter of picking your class since all weapons are random in the gacha and you'll be forced to use whatever you draw. dissapointing.
Law Yik
212 Views 12/23/2019
I havent play this game yet but Im looking forward to it since I watched the YT. I know there are alot of bad reviews but X-World was the same and it really reminded me of that game. Just because you need to pay for something doesnt mean its trash. If no one is paying how is the company gonna grow. People who just want something and cant get it complaining bout this and that ish juz stewpeed. X-World was the best game I"ll ever play anymore since they shut it down. Hope you make another one of those games! I"ll always support Asobimo! ↖(^ω^)↗
290 Views 12/07/2019
Didn't played much but already recommend to few.friends and they are enjoying, Good game for old school players.
Aya Shelestial
529 Views 12/05/2019
yaaayyy fantasy earth zero on android ヽ(´▽`)/ a bit diferent from the pc version but its ok :)
Ρяιи¢єѕѕ ∂σℓℓу
660 Views 11/13/2019
Low quality trash game
Nhan Sieu
245 Views 12/04/2019
trash game don't dow this game
Jimmy Björklund
587 Views 12/04/2019
wow the whole game is all about loading screens
825 Views 11/14/2019
I hope no auto battle and auto quest. with trade market
10 Views 12/04/2019
看到出手机版我差点疯了!!! 我不会告诉你我是小学时代玩的,现在已经大三了呜呜呜呜呜…… 我甚至还记得当时端游上,进去看到我们盖布兰德的痞子陛下迷迷糊糊被诱惑成了陛下的子民(颜狗的下场)然后新手教程看着身下的奇美拉一脸茫然,过了好几遍。后来入了部队,认识了小伙伴,一起玩了很久。至今依然对盖布兰德的城镇记忆犹新,一开始选了法师,但是天天AOE打不出伤害,后来又做了隐藏任务,最后莫名成为一个击剑师,菜鸡如我基本上就是被打死呜呜呜呜呜……追也追不到人。最后选择当刺客,天天隐身去对面削塔你敢信,经常上榜,原因:削塔,现在想一想这个刺客真是太惨了好红红火火恍恍惚惚。 其实想去日服,但是其实还是想等在国服,不知道当年的朋友会不会回来。其实他们依然在我的列表,只是这么多年了,我们都在没有说过什么话。 看了一下评论区已经去体验的朋友,其实手游做成这样也是意料之中,只是FE给我的记忆太深,五分是对过去的怀念和感谢。
7 Views 12/04/2019
有一天夜晚 被幻想大陸的一幕幕畫面所折磨 眼淚嘩啦啦的留下來 印象特別深,特別深 為什麼要這麼感動呢? 今天依然保留著最初的國家榮譽感 心中那團幻想大陸的熱火併沒熄滅 國服十週年了 來過許多人,也走過許多人 那些舊物舊事舊人 多年後一定會被不可或需的想起或者忘記 每個人的幻想記憶拼湊在一起,就是一部宏偉的傳記 前兩天突然看到這款手游 內心一震,或許國服有救了 或許…… 曾經失去了太多太多,都一去不復返 希望遊戲能火,在幻想大陸的時光,將是我一輩子的記憶 國服淪落成今天的樣子,不僅僅是外掛的影響,後來一直在思考,什麼是真正的FEer?至今無答案…… 再安利一下十週年紀念視頻 http://www.bilibili.com/video/av10029669 真的看哭了很多人 果然回憶要好好珍惜呢 淚目 序曲卡薩多利亞第40勇士致敬
That's everything for now. Start a new game?